The Election

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So I'm not against Trump, but I dint support him either. He's just the lesser of two evils. But seriously, the republicans had so many good candidates, why trump? Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, all great republicans. Also, good job to the democrats for not choosing a looney socialist, that would not have ended well.

What if Hillary doesn't die until she gets elected? That would actually be hilarious, it would be "Hillary has won her 270th electoral vote" and then she just gets a heart attack. Sorry, that was a bit dark.

Anyway, let's evaluate the candidates ourselves. Let's start with Trump. You could say he's sexist, racist, a creep, but let's be honest if your dad said he would bang you if you weren't his daughter you'd be scarred for life. But what's amazing is he got 6% of black votes, twice what Romney got in 2012. That's gotta say something. As for sexist, I mean that's just a matter of opinion, not really gonna touch that.

Now Hillary Clinton. You could say she's a federal criminal, unhealthy, cringey (that's my own input but I make a fair argument about it in a second.) Basically, sending confidential information through emails on anything that isn't a secure government server is extremely illegal. Send emails with confidential information itself is pretty illegal, and the fact that this has happened many times doesn't really help her case. She's also not physically healthy. Honestly it's good that she lost because she's not all there. She's had seizures and stuff like that all the time, especially recently. And now the best part, cringey. Dabbing on stage, just no. Pokemon go to the polls, no. Hillary, I'm sorry but memes aren't your thing.

Now I feel like I didn't bully trump enough so, he won't actually be able to follow through any of his plans. We already have a wall trump, yeah it's that massive fence. And no, we are not having a double fence. Want to slow down immigration? Then make Mexico great again. Seriously, that would help quite a lot (it what we're learning about in English believe it or not) there's a lot of gang violence and poverty.

Now, one thing that drives me crazy, the electoral college. The number of electors per state depends on the congressional representation. Except for DC because it a district and it only has 3 electoral votes because it's the minimum a state can have. Another thing, remember that the popular vote is based off population and just because a state is mostly one color, the populated areas of that state has most control, like northern Virginia is what gave Virginia to Hillary despite it being mostly red.

This was just something small I wanted to get off my chest. Feel free to state your opinion I probably will try not to argue. Cya babes!

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