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"AMELIA! HURRY, GRAB YOUR sister, it's time for bed!" My mother called out lightly throughout the large house.

"Yes Momma!" I responded as I grabbed Ivy's hand. 

The small two year old toddled after me as we raced down the wooden halls with smiles on our faces. Looking nearly identical Ivy and I could be twins if she wasn't eight years younger than me. Our hair was a matching deep ebony, and our eyes a twinkling jade. The only differences between us was that I looked like our father, with strong prominent bone structure, or so I've been told, and naturally tan skin. My sister looked like our mother, with small petite and mouse like features along with pale skin and many freckles.

At first I thought that we were both adopted seeing as my mother has blonde hair and my father is a brunette and neither of them have green eyes, but Mom always said that we looked more like our grandmother. She was a woman I never had gotten to meet, I've only heard stories, but when Momma showed me a portrait I nearly gasped in surprise.

Grandma had green eyes like mine and long flowing ebony hair. After assuring me that I wasn't adopted my momma told me that Granny's genes must've skipped a generation. I just nodded along at the time, never really knowing what she meant but happy that I wasn't adopted.

Ivy's giggling brought me out of my thoughts, causing me to look at the small child. She was pointing at Dads' office as she sniffed the air.

"Dada!" She quietly repeated as she tugged my hand towards his office.

Pausing in our running I bent down to her level. "Okay, but we've got to be quiet. Daddy's in a meeting, okay Ivy?" I asked, whispering around my slight lisp thanks to two missing teeth.

She nodded excitedly as we quietly approached his office. Lightly pushing the heavy door open a few inches we peeked through the crack into Dad's office. Two men went back and forth, yelling at each other. They didn't notice us peeking through the crack of the door because they were too busy arguing.

The wooden floors were cold against our bare feet as we leaned against the door. Just as cold as the atmosphere within Dad's office. He always said that it was better to keep it that way, bleak and empty of emotional attachments, to look more powerful and intimidating to those he has meetings with. There were only three things in his office; his brown wooden desk and two dark leather chairs. The wooden floors and walls matched the desk, with nothing else decorating the room.

Dad stood behind his desk, as usual, running his large hands through his already messy brown hair. His eyes shined bright with anger as he spoke to his Beta.

"What the hell do you think you're saying? We're not going to do that to our own people just because of a territory problem! I won't give a single she-wolf from our pack to those rogues to get them out of our lands! We'll fight!" Dad roared, obviously angered by whatever the Beta suggested.

Most of the things Dad said flew right over our heads as we listened, only registering that he said rogues. Mommy told us that most rogues were bad guys, but not all of them, and from the way Dad was talking I guess he was talking about the bad ones.

"But Alpha, it's the only way to get them off of our land safely and easily! It's the best way to avoid confrontation!" The Beta responded equally angered, that his Alpha wasn't taking his plan into consideration.

"Safely? Safely!" Dad roared out for a moment, before barking out a cold laugh. "Sending twenty she-wolves to a group of those filthy rogues is no way to keep our pack safe! A pack protects all, not some! Now get the hell out of my office before I demote you! We're going to wipe them out in the morning!" Dad yelled, slamming his fist on his desk, cracking noises echoing throughout his office, finality leaking from his voice.

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