Chapter Two: Pack Wolves

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Chapter Two: 

Pack Wolves


FINALLY, SOME FOOD! IVY moaned out in happiness as I chewed on a rabbit leg.

Shut it, you're over reacting. I replied tiredly, leaving my mind's eye to look around the camp that I had set up with Rui.

Rui and I sat around a simple fire made of a few bundles of sticks, two rabbits skinned and roasting over the flames. I watched as Rui devoured the rabbit leg I gave her. She seemed to be starving, not even bothering to check if the meat was fully cooked. Food was all over her face as she ate, never pausing to breathe.

After she finished eating and was taking her time to, well, breathe she opened her mouth to ask a question. Before she could ask I handed her a leather pouch that I used for water. Nodding her head in thanks she chugged the water, until there wasn't a single drop left.

I took the pouch back as she handed it to me before stuffing it into my bag. Standing up and away from the fire I sniffed the air, scenting about our surroundings. Smelling and hearing nothing I turned to Rui.

"There are some rules you have to follow if you're traveling with me."

Giving me her full attention she asked, "And they are?"

"Always stay behind me, no matter where we are. Don't leave my side, or else I won't be able to protect you. If you get scared don't run away, stay behind me and hold onto me. If we get separated we might not see each other ever again, that's the harsh reality of the neutral lands."

She nodded, her eyes widening slightly at my words.

I looked up at the sky, noticing that the sun would set in a few hours. "Come on, kid. Let's go, I've got somewhere to be before nightfall."

She quickly grabbed her things and we were on our way, heading towards the rogue pack that I was planning to wipe out. For a while we walked silently and I checked the sky, seeing where the sun was positioned. Seemed like twenty minutes had passed and I thought this would be a good time to check our position.

They should be up ahead, by a yard or so. Came Ivy's immediate response, before I could even question her. She seemed to have been monitoring my thoughts.

Enhancing my senses I elongated my teeth, nails, and ears until I could hear and see everything perfectly. With heightened sensed I searched my surroundings for any signs of the rogues.

"Hey, I've been wondering for a while now, but why don't you wear shoes?" Rui asked.

Pulling me out of the slightly transformed high I looked down at my feet before looking back at her. "Easier to fight." I stated simply, trying to speak correctly in my half shifted form.

When I half shift like this my vocal chords shift as well so it becomes harder to speak the human language; it's easier to growl and bark to other werewolves, but humans wouldn't understand that language. My voice was deep and gravely due to the change in my vocal chords, and to put it simply I sounded demonic.

"Close behind." I stated, commanding her to stay close behind me, growling at the end.

I could feel Rui step up behind me grabbing my bag's strap and following me silently.



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