Chapter One: Pet

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Chapter One: 




DURING my travels I've grown to know the basic knowledge of my own world, after having traveled many a continent. In this world, Agi, there are only four continents and a single main island. One of those continents belonged solely to humans, and the other three belonged to werewolf kind. Each werewolf continent is divided up between three to four Alphas, or pack leaders. In the very middle of each continent was a fourth or fifth section of the continent that was marked as neutral territory. Neutral territory is where the rogue wolves, that either got kicked out of their own pack or left of their own correlation, and any humans would live if they didn't belong to a pack.

Many centuries ago, after the Great Race War, werewolves nearly annihilated human kind, while other shifters became extinct, and then took over the now uninhabited human lands. The races secluded themselves to their respective continents and brought about the Era of Kings where King Alphas with their Queen-Mates ruled centuries before the Council was formed.

To keep war from breaking out a council was created, after many wars during the Era of Kings, to keep the peace between the Alphas and the remainder of the human race. Two elders from each pack and two elders from the human continent made up the council, and their decisions were law. Not even the Alpha's of the strongest packs could go against them.

The island is called Briny for it being a water bound island in the center between all continents, and it is where the Council elders meet and live if they choose to move away from their packs. Occident is the name of a continent to the west, Meridional is the continent to the south, Boreal is the continent to the north, and Hominid is the continent to the east. They're also commonly known as Occi, Merdi, Bor, and Inid. Inid is the human continent while the others are the werewolf continents.

At the moment I was on the Merdi continent enjoying the warm weather in the neutral territory.

Shaking my head, drawing myself away from my thoughts of the continents, I looked up at the clear blue sky loving the feeling of the sunlight on my tan skin. A light sigh escaped my lips as I was relieved to find the cold river rushing by in front of me, flowing freely through the forest. Walking towards the water, barefoot, I loved the way the soft grass felt against my smooth skin. The towering trees around me offered a soothing atmosphere that nature often provided.

Kneeling at the bank of the river I stared into the eyes of my reflection. Jade green eyes stared back at me, dark black eyebrows with matching sooty long eyelashes framed my eyes, giving them a dark look. My button tipped nose was slightly crooked from being broken multiple times, never healing perfectly straight due to an ill-set injury. Ebony hair shined greasily in the sunlight, messy, greasy and dirty from a day's travel through the forest. I grabbed a clump of my neglected hair looking down at it. Ever since I left home I limited my interactions with others, unless absolutely necessary and only with those I trusted above all else, and never bothered to trim my ebony locks. Now it was just a little past my knees making me feel like the Princess in the story that my mother read me as a child, the one about the Princess in the tower.

Letting go of my hair I quickly stripped out of my torn clothing and dropped my bag before jumping into the river. The feeling of water cleaning away the sweat and grime was as good as I thought it would be, the cold water soothing my hot skin. Diving under water I massaged my scalp, making sure all of my hair was soaked before going back to the surface and grabbing my bag. I pulled out a bar of soap, and a few other things I stole from a nearby human settlement, before getting to work.

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