Chapter Four: Lucas Raphael Mycella

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Chapter Four: 

Lucas Raphael Mycella


GRABBING MY LONG BRAID I forcefully pulled it out of his grip, wincing slightly as I did so. With my hair free I took multiple steps back, creating a much needed distance between us.

"I don't care if you don't believe me, but the name Jade is all you're getting from me." I stated, walking backwards towards Rui.

Glancing at her I motioned with my hand, slightly, for her to grab our bags. She listened without hesitation, quickly grabbing the few bags we had and throwing them over her shoulder.

The man clenched his fist, seemingly from anger, as he stared down at me. A thick vein pulsed in his neck, further proving my belief of his anger. His deeply tanned skin flushing from his aggravation as he sent me a stone cold glare.

He opened his mouth to speak but I hurriedly cut him off. "And why would I tell you my name when I don't know yours?"

A look of surprise crossed his features, momentarily dispersing his anger. Conceited bastard expected me to know him just from seeing his face?

Lifting up his shoulders and chin by a slight degree, displaying pride and confidence, he responded in a light tone. "I am Alpha Lucas Raphael Mycella, of the southern pack of this continent, Mycella named after my Alpha Bloodline."

A light frown danced its way onto my lips. I knew about that pack and they value a "warrior's heart" or way of life more than anything else. They also had the most pack land on this continent, as they seem to like invading neighbors despite the Council repeatedly telling them to stop. The easiest way to describe it would be a military pack; they're ran like they're a military compound.

And they were just the pack that I was looking to evade, as they aren't all too kind to their prisoners. No matter the gender.

As if he sensed my surprised and annoyed reaction, even though I kept the emotion clear off my face, a smug smirk shaped his full lips. It was aggravating. He was aggravating.

"Nice to meet you Lucas," some wolves in the background growled at me for dropping all honorifics for I was being disrespectful, "I'm Jade. This introduction has been brief, and I'd rather our meeting be briefer still."

With those words I jumped backwards quickly, and grabbed Rui's arm. Before Lucas could lurch in my direction I took off towards the back of the camp, dragging Rui behind me. I was still too short to pick her up at the moment so we'll have to wait until I'm in the woods so I can shift.

A loud, rumbling growl shook the grassy ground as I made a mad dash. Obviously the Alpha didn't appreciate me leaving, while still not telling him my true name.

"Get her! Now!" He roared out to his pack as he began to chase after me, howls of the hunt ringing in the air.

As soon as my foot hit the forest floor I pushed off hard, shooting myself and Rui deeper into the forest. When I was sure no one was close enough to see me I quickly shifted. I melted down into my wolf form, a large shaggy creature that was about five feet in length and six feet in height. Naturally as I was of Alpha blood and was the next to become Alpha in my previous pack my wolf form was huge and monstrous. To the point where I was taller as a wolf than I was as a human.

Fur sprouted from all my pores, a mixture of colors. My wolf was a mixture of brown, black, blonde, and slight rusty reds. There was a splash of blonde fur surrounding my left eye, drawing attention to my velvet turquoise eyes that shined in the darkness. Which is another reason I don't want anyone to see my wolf; my wolf's eye color is a trait found in only my Alpha family line. A trait that was simply a marker for our family much as other Alpha families have their own.

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