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Caspian and Aubrey make their way through a forest filled with ferns and lone trees, but stop as they hear rustling, momentarily glancing at one another. "We can hear you."

Trufflehunter and Nikabrik finally come out of hiding, and decide to speak up.

"I just think we should wait for the kings and queens." The siblings glance at eachother once more,  before continuing on their trek through the thick forest floor.

"Fine, go then! See if the others will be as understanding." Trufflehunter huffs, throwing a look at his short friend, but Nikabrik tries to hide his smirk.
"Or maybe I'll come with you. I want to see you both explain things to the minotaurs." This causes them both to stop, eyes widening, as Caspian speaks.

"Minotaurs...they're real?"

"And very bad tempered."
"Yeah, not to mention big."

Aubrianna lets curiosity get the best of her mouth before she can think, and joins in. "What about centaurs? Do they still exist?"  Trufflehunter huffs out in exhaustion once more before saying, "Well, the centaurs will probably fight on your side. But there's no telling what hat the others will do."

Caspian, seeing the look worn on his sister's face, asks a question both siblings were seemingly thinking. "What about Aslan?"

The two Narnian's behind them stop walking, glancing at the foreigners before them, before giving each other looks. "How do you two know so much about us?"

Simultaneously, the siblings answer "Stories."
"Wait a minute...Your father told you stories about Narnia?" Many, many stories were told to the two, but not by their father, he had been lost to them at a young age.

"No, our professor." Caspian says, and Aubrey continues on. "Listen, we're sorry..these are not the kinds of questions you should be asking."

The two walk off once again, as the badger sniffs the air around them. Nikabrik, watching as the hairs on the back of his friend raise in alarm. "What is it?"

"Those two?"

The group of four look over to see Telmarine soldiers approaching on foot. "There they are!" One says, pointing to the royal siblings, just as Trufflehunter shouts out "Run!"

They all run forward as arrows fly, one going through the badger's fur, and he falls. "Oh no..."

Aubrey glances back toward their fallen friend, whom she was closest to, turns to the two in front of her. "Wait, I'll go!" Before Caspian can protest and demand she stay, she runs to the fallen Trufflehunter.

The badger hastily hands her the horn, spewing out, "Take it, go! It's more important than I am!" The soldiers bearing crossbows stop to take aim at the two.

Before they can successfully do so, the ferns rustle, and a soldier falls. After hesitating, Aubrey picks up Trufflehunter with haste and runs toward her brother and the dwarf. One by one, soldiers continue to fall as they chase the two Telmarines siblings. The princess reaches the awaiting Caspian and Nikabrik, setting the Narnian down as gently as she could.

"Get him out of here."

The siblings draw their sword, and begin walking back. Another soldier falls, and the last one throws down his crossbow down as he pulls out his sword, swinging wildly at the ferns in alarm.

"Where are you?"

The soldier falls, ferns covering him, and the rustling  continues to move towards Caspian and Aubrey.

Something, a small figure, flips from the ferns, knocking over Caspian, and doing the same to Aubrianna. A silver glints in the sky as the creature catches it, landing on Aubrianna's stomach, sword swinging to point at the two.

     "Choose you last words carefully Telmarines!"
Aubrey stares in shock at the creature with her mouth agape before stating,
"You're a mouse."

He sighs, eyes narrowing in annoyance, before looking between the two siblings. "I was hoping for something a little more original. Come on, pick up your sword."
Aubrey stares incredulously, glancing at her sword strewn across the forest floor and back to the mouse, before saying "Uh, No thanks."

"Pick it up! I will not fight an unarmed man- er, woman." Caspian looks at his sister one brow raised, cutting in.

     "Which is why she will live longer if we choose not to cross blades with you, noble mouse." Aubrey nods at her brother in thanks, and the mouse stares at the long haired boy strewn across the forest floor.

"I said I wouldn't fight you, I didn't say I'd let either of you live!" He says- ferocity returning, but the voice of a certain badger cuts in.

     "Reepicheep, stay your blade!"

The mouse stares at his old friend in shock, sword still pointed. "Trufflehunter? I trust you have a good reason for this untimely interruption!"

Nikabrik grunts out at the mouse, "He doesn't. Go ahead." The statement from the dwarf only causes his friend to shoot him a look of annoyance.

     "Reepicheep, they're the ones who blew the horn!"
The mouse stares at the two in disbelief, stance softening- mumbling "What?" Before he can question further, a voice booms out from in front of the group.

"Then let them bring it forward...this is why we have gathered." Four centaurs appear over the hill, casting a shadow against the group of odd individuals.

(3/28/20) Update message at the end of next chapter!

Siege // Peter Pevensie [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now