11 • Sorry

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It had been days since the Narnian's arrived at the Howe. Constant training was in order for the troops. On this particular day, Aubrey had decided to join the kings.

Walking out of the howe, she spotted Peter and Edmund with the troops, training them all in the art of dueling. She waltzed up, popping up between the pair as the watched. "Heeello my friends." The pair jumped, turning to the princess.

"Ello" and "Hi" fell from the siblings mouths and the girl smiled. "Could I be of any assistance to you fine gentleman?" Peter merely blushed, while Edmund laughed. "Can you duel?" Aubrey turned to the younger king, her eyebrow arched. "Can you?" The surrounding Narnian's had halted, gathering around. "First toss?" (The first to lose ahold of their sword.)

"Very well your majesty."

The two shook hands, backing up.

Peter had joined the crowds, a large ring of people surrounding the pair. Edmund was the first the thrust, Aubrey blocking, swinging both swords back towards Edmund.

The two danced with their swords, movements flowing in a calmly manner, two birds to one branch.
Even when Edmund had slit Aubrianna's cheek, the two continued. The duel came to a halt however, when Edmund's sword was slung from his hand, into the ground next to Aubrey's foot. She grabbed it, crossing the swords and held them to his throat.

Aubrey had beat Edmund.

"You're an excellent swordsman, your majesty."
"You too, princess."

The oldest Pevensie had taken Aubrey to clean the cut, a small one along her cheek bone.
     The pair walked to a nearby creek, Peter carrying an herbal paste an a rag in hands. "Dedra told me to wash it first, and apple the paste." Aubrey silently nodded, and the pair arrived to small river. They sat, Peter letting the cloth soak in the stream for mere seconds.

     He rose his hand to her cheek, allowing him to wash away the blood, but the princess flinched on contact. "Sorry." He rushed out an apology to the girl. "It's fine, Peter." The king lowered the rag, raising the paste to her cheek.  Peter brushed his thumb covered in paste along her cheek, but came to a pause as his eyes locked with Aubrey's.

Neither moved, sitting still, and their eyes stayed locked as they leaned closer to one another.
The king's eyes began to flicker between Aubrey's eyes and lips, their noses now brushing.

     A shout broke the pair apart, Peter clearing his throat. "We should uhm- head back." Heat rose to Aubrey's face as she nodded along. "Yeah."

I wasn't exactly planning to update, but happy holidays everyone! A bit short, but most scenes of my own will be, sorry. Not sure when I'll update, but it may be a few days, I am on break :)

Siege // Peter Pevensie [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now