08 • Foes

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     After awaking from a peculiar dream, Lucy looks over to Susan, who lies sleeping on the ground.

"Susan, get up!"
"Certainly Lu, whatever you like."
The older sister merely rolls over, and falls back to sleep.

The younger girl gets up, and ventures out of the make shift camp. She reaches her hand out to a tree and desperately whispers to it. "Wake up."
    She walks further, hearing a low growl like noise.


      The oldest Pevensie sneaks up behind her, putting a hand over her mouth and dragging her back behind a bush. They look over to see a Minotaur, scouting the woods. Putting a finger to his lips, Peter stands, drawing his sword and making way for the Minotaur quietly.

Low and behold, a certain Telmarine Prince jumps from nearby shrubs, and swings his sword at the king. They block, thrust, and parry, repeating moves over before Peter swings, missing the prince, and digs his sword into a tree.

Caspian kicks the king, causing him to fall, but quickly recover. Peter grabs for a rock as Caspian grabs the sword out of the tree. "No!" The shrill voice of a girl caused the two to pause, and the Narnian's to come out of hiding. All but one Princess.

"Prince Caspian?"
"Yes. And who are you?"
Out of sight, Susan calls out for her brother. "Peter!"

     The remains of the group join them, as Caspian glances down to the sword in his hand. After examining the lion's head, he looks up to the king.

"High king Peter?"
     "I believe you called."

Hesitant at first, he truthfully answers. "Well yes, but...I thought you'd be older." Jokingly Peter turns to point behind them. "Well, if you'd like, we can come back in a few years." The Prince is quick to fix his mistake.

     "No! No, that's alright. You're just...you're not exactly what I expected." His eyes trail the group, although his gaze lingers on a certain Pevensie.

"Neither are you!" Edmund finally speaks, but is cut off when the bushes rustle, the leaves break, and a particular princess steps through.
     She glances at her brother, pursing her lips.
"I leave you to scout alone for two minutes, and Patterwig comes to tell me you've been dueling." She steps forward to the group, shaking her head, "Oh how you would make a wonderful ruler, baby brother."

Rolling her eyes, she glances to the Pevensies. She lets her eyes wander, but as they lock with Peter's she feels her face flush.

     Edmund however, glances eerily towards the Minotaur. Trumpkin steps up to defend the clueless creature.

     "A common enemy..." "Unites even the oldest of foes." The Princess finishes, smiling at the younger king.

Reepicheep steps up to the High King, who finally tears his gaze from the Princess as the mouse speaks.
"We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service." Lucy discreetly turns to Susan, hissing out "Oh my gosh, he is so cute!"

The Narnian mouse draws his sword, pointing it in the direction of the girls. "Who said that?"

Sheepishly, Lucy blushes, squeaking out "Sorry."
Reepicheep's demeanor changes, and he politely says "Oh, uh... Your majesty. With all do respect...I do believe courageous, courteous, or chivalrous might more befit a knight of Narnia." At that, Aubrianna tries her best to hold back her laughing, but she catches the looks of few, including a king.

"Well, atleast we know some of you can handle a blade." Knowing that comment was directed towards her brother, she purses her lips at Peter.
"Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use acquiring weapons for your army, sire."

The attention is drawn back to the mouse, who head since sheathed his sword.

"Good. Because we're going to need every sword we can get." After scratching his neck, Prince Caspian speaks once more. "Well then, you'll probably be wanting yours back."

Caspian holds the sword out to Peter, who grabs at it, sheathing it, and walks away.

Siege // Peter Pevensie [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now