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My parents are changing and it's getting really annoying.

Today my mom and dad said "ooh let's have a fire today!" And I let out a little "hmmmm" because I really wasn't in the mood for a fire.

So my dad said "oh ok. The little kids will have a fire and you can just sit in here on your iPad"

That made me pretty mad, so I said "actually no that's not what I meant. But whatever, you can just assume that I'm on my iPad all day like you always do"
And they do always do that.

Then my mom let out a stifled laugh, which made me more annoyed.
My dad then said "how about you turn that attitude around?"
I just ignored him.

Then my parents made me clean for a while and my dad got really close to me and said in a voice that sounded like he was talking to a baby: "Hi! Hey there! How's it going?" (or something like that)
I ignored him again.

But yeah I'm pretty annoyed  about the whole thing.
To be honest I kind of feel like crying. But yeah ._.

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