a play

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alright story time!
i have to tell someone about this it's hilarious

I went to a play with my friends yesterday and we bought our tickets and sat down in our seats. The play started and my friends and I thought it was pretty funny. But at the beginning there were a bunch of guys falling over and stuff and it was funny but my friends and I kept leaning over to each other and whispering "gay-itis" and we all started laughing so hard but coving our mouths so we didn't make a sound

At one point we weren't really paying attention and I pulled out my iPod and opened the notes app

I wrote down the word "gay" and then pretended to start laughing. My one friend leaned over and asked me what was so funny. I showed him my notes and he started laughing so hard he fell forward.

We were being extremely immature but whatever it was fun

There was one point where someone in the play said "my daughter is a eunuch??" and we started looking at each other confused and then we all laughed. We knew exactly what he meant xD

and there was one part where some guy said "I am not a virgin!" and we looked at each other again and I said "hold on can we pause one second" and my other friend was holding up his hands in the "time out" symbol

it was so funny

The play finished and it was really good but one of my friends pointed out that it was ultimately about buying prostatutes

i know that sounds really weird! but there wasn't anything inappropriate in that play (for the most part xD) it wasn't like an R rated play or anything
it was just a regular play just when you sort of think about it that's basically what it was about.

that's all xD  

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