new years (thanks guys c:)

20 4 10

this is for all the people who I've befriended over the year :3

well I sort of already broke the rules. emmet
you're my cousin and I've know you the longest of all the people here (as if you didn't know that holy shit-)
but even so you're one of my best friends and you're always there for me, always caring, and always understanding especially when I'm being an idiot :3
even if I'm not one of your best friends or whatever, I love ya man <3

Rae/ Lila :3
You're honestly one of my best friends as well. You're probably the nicest person I know and you're always caring and somebody I can talk to.
whenever I'm feeling down you're always there to make me happy :)
you're like a little ray of sunshine that always lights up my day
I'm really glad that we're friends :D
Thank you so much ahh-

Yo (I hate saying yo im sorry-)
you were the first person I ever talked to on here. I remember you saying "the succ" and our friendship started from there xD
You're a really awesome person and you're always someone I can vent to :)
We things are tough you're always understanding.
Love ya friend xD
sorry this was so short

Lmao dude you're slowly becoming the most awesome person I've ever met
I'm really glad we became friends because I always enjoy talking to you because you're a really pleasant person. there's so much that I like about you that i can't express in words. I can't wait for our friendship to grow
Thanks so much for being my amazing friend ;)

katey :)
we don't talk as much any more but that doesn't change the fact that you've always been a really genuine person and I'm happy to call you my friend
It's also awesome that we both love fantastic beasts xD
thank you katey :)

We don't really talk much but from what we've said to each other you seem like a really great person and hopefully we can get to know each other better :)
Happy New Years man

I don't know you're name I'm really sorry
We've talked a bit and I'd like to consider you as a friend ;)
You're a pretty cool person. Happy new year.

Happy New Years to everyone that's reading this. A special thanks to everyone who's tagged. You all have helped me through the joke that was 2016
And hopefully we can do it all again this year :D

It's been real guys. Thank you ❤️

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