Tagged + update

16 4 3

it's not really an update it's just that I'm going to Minnesota. I'm in Wisconsin atm. In a hotel. It's gr8

But I was tagged
And I wanna do it

But I was taggedAnd I wanna do it

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1. Yepo

2. I sure hope so

3. Nope sorry

4. Single atm

5. My boi emmet

6. Some song on the radio I was in the car a lot so I can't remember that either

7. I can't tell it's just the battery symbol it doesn't have a percentage. Maybe about 70%

(For these two I hope nobody get upset)

8. Rae

9. Emmet

10. A have a few, but if I think about its these two:

Nobody will know who they are but they're always been so adorable together xD

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Nobody will know who they are but they're always been so adorable together xD

11. Emmet told me to make one and I did basically just so o could make new friends



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13. On the 8th day of the beautiful month of September :))

That is all

I'm outie see ya

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