Chapter 2: Daddy Longlegs (Part 1)

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I told you all I would make a one-shot for my "Daddy Longlegs" thing in Chapter 12 of AI:IH. Another update for that fic will be soon, for now enjoy this!

This is just how and why the team nicknamed Spidey this. This one-shot is set a month or so before the Academy was attacked. Enjoy!

"Whoever thought up the idea training early in the morning, they need to get a good-sized punch in the face!" Spider-Man declared sourly, as he worked on blinking the remains of sleep off his eyes lids. He was, oh so rudely, woken up this morning by Coulson, as well as his teammates, and they were ushered into the training room as an exercise for any chance that they had to go out on a fight earlier than what they were used to.

It was supposed to help them, but Spidey was convinced that it was just Coulson wanting to torture them for making fun of his tightie whitie underpants. He's still having nightmares about that by the way. "I'll hold them, you punch." Power-Man agreed, he swayed on his feet as he too fought off the bowels of sleep.

"Save a punch for me," Dagger mumbles as she leaned on the wall nearest to her. Coulson watches them unimpressed, "Lighten up," he said, "Once I get the exercise started you'll wake up."

"Yippee," Nova grumbled with the deadest voice he could muster.

"That's the spirit!" Coulson smirked, he clapped his hands loudly and the teens wearily fell into line. He nodded, "Good, now I have a few strategies that could work for a situation like this. Pay attention, especially you Spider-Man-you being team leader, you need to know this. Now, in some cases you guys will be fighting early in the morning, early enough that the sun might still not be out. Use the shadows, and darkness to your advantage. Or, if the sun is almost out. It might be smart to maneuver around you enemy and get them in a position so that when the sun came out, it would blind them and you can take them down. Another good way-" but Coulson stopped his talking when he turned around to face the teens, to find that they were all leaning heavily on one-another, supporting each other's body, and snoring loudly. Every single one of them had fallen back asleep.

Coulson frowned, but he came prepared. He brought a blow horn out from his bag, and pointed it in the teen's direction. "BBBBBNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" the teens cried out in surprise, and stumbled in shock. They all ended up in a giant pile on the floor, eyes wide open now and definitely awake. "That...was so...rude!" Spidey commented from underneath Nova and Power-Man.

"As long as you're awake," Coulson replied dully. "And since you all seem to think you don't need to know this stuff, I guess you can handle the exercise just fine too." He turned away stubbornly, grabbing the blow horn and leaving the arena and a group of confused teenagers.

Spidey pushed the other two off of him and got to his feet, "Come on Coulson, its way too early for this kind of thing." The arachnid got no reply. "I know you can hear me!"

"Exercise commencing in 1 minute..." a robotic voice announced. Spider-Man groaned in exasperation. "Alright fine, but I'm going back to bed after this." He turned to his sleepy teammates. "Okay guys, let's just beat this exercise and get back to bed."

"Sounds like a plan Spidey," Amadeus yawned, allowing his visor to slide over his face. "Let's get this over with." Everyone else groaned, but stumbled into a fighting stance. The exercise started unexpectedly.

First off the room's setting changed so that it resembled Central Park, it was dark out so the only light was from the lamps in the park that let off a glow. When it comes to S.H.E.I.L.D its go all out or go home. The grass felt real and wet with dew, even a small morning breeze drifted over the teens and they all shivered. "That never fails to surprise me," Cloak muttered, his cloak flying slightly with the breeze.

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