Chapter 5: Hivedragon's Prompt

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Hey ma peeps! How's it going? Okay, so this is Hivedragon's one-shot. He wanted: Hmm oneshot oneshot oneshot.... very difficult I'm leaning towards either the Avengers or Nicky poo. I think I'll go for the Avengers more specifically the Hulk seeing he got the closet friendship with good old Webhead would be fun to see Spider in the crystal zoo which I would expect he would be in it seeing that episode with Hulks amnesia had also some of his friends.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with Hulk's "Zoo" its in his room in Avengers tower. His room is pretty tranquil with the waterfall thingy, and the serene setting. Hulk has a bunch of glass figurines that he collects, this figurines are all kinds of different things, Hulk's collection is referred to as: The Zoo, or just Zoo. Hulk as a figurine of all of the Avengers in his collection (because their his friends)

In this, Hulk will be reminiscing about Web-heads Infected predicament while in his Zoo, when he realizes that he doesn't have a glass figurine of Spidey (unlike his other friends). So Hulk visits his friend Glorian, the best creator of thing in the galaxy (someone who also has made much of Hulk's figurines) and requests a Spider-Man figurine. While he is there he confides in Glorian about the condition of the webbed-wonder and Glorian comforts him. (*Also, this takes place after Chapters 5, 6, & 7 (the Loose Arc), when Spider-Man fully mutated)



Hulk sat in his room, in Avengers towers, listening to the calming sounds of his waterfall in the room. He was organizing one of the shelves to his Zoo, taking out the delicate glass figurines and shining them gently with a cloth, before putting them back in their respected place.

This was one of the things Hulk did when he needed to calm down; it was soothing to roll the fragile glass pieces between his fingers, and lightly shine it up till it gleamed beautifully. He did it whenever he was really angry and needed to calm down.

And right now, he was really angry.

After getting an update from his place in Vista Verde concerning Spider-Man and his predicament, Hulk felt like smashing anything in view.

He watched the video footage of Spider-Man, when he was going crazy with pain and clawing at his sides till he drew blood. Then he watched as they strapped him down to prevent further harm to him or anyone else; Hulk watched them sedate him, watched his friends visit him (which he thought was good), then watched as he went stark-raving mad and escaped into the Academy.

Hulk had been at S.H.I.E.L.D when he and the Avengers went to help with the situation, but Hulk had sat this one out, of fear of hurting Spider-Man more than he was – and he greatly regretted it. Spider-Man...

Spider-Man was a great friend to Hulk. The arachnid had been there even before he got his team of smashers, he was there for him when Hulk was on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D and aliens and whatever else was interested in a gamma-induced rage monster; and he was there for him even when his Avengers team wasn't. Heck, Spider-Man trusted and cared for Hulk enough to take him home and take care of him after he was infected by those alien drones, even showed him his secret identity.

And how had Hulk repaid him? By sitting on the sidelines and watching as Spidey tore himself apart from both the inside and outside. And it was only worse when Nick Fury told them that they were leaving the Infected in S.H.I.E.L.D Academy as they looked for a cure.

After that Hulk was VERY angry. He jumped back to Vista Verde, updating his smashers on the Infected's situation. They hadn't liked it either. She-Hulk was so mad she punched a giant hole in the wall, Red-Hulk offered the idea of bombing Nick Fury and the tricarrier (and for once A-Bomb agreed). Skaar didn't know Spider-Man that much, but he knew enough to frown irritable and grown "Spider-bug left behind? ARRRGH! Slash pirate-man! He leaves Spider-bug hurt!"

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