Chapter 1: Operation Divert Cookie Jar

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Just something that I found amusing, and I hope you guys enjoy it to.

Disclaimer: All rights go to respected owners, meaning Marvel and Disney

Operation Diverted Cookie Jar

*Set before Season 3, when the Ultimates still bunked at Peter's house because of the destruction of the helicarrier*

Peter wondered what heroes were supposed to do when all criminal activity seemed to cease. It was Saturday, around noon, yet he was sitting in his room fiddling with one of his web-shooters, while Danny was mediating on the floor in the corner. The smell of Danny's odd incents filled the room, while they didn't smell like vanilla, it wasn't unpleasant. In fact, it left Peter having a clearer head.

Which is why he was wondering why he was sitting on his bed, when he could be outside web-slinging among his playground of buildings and bridges. He and his team had no training planned today; Nick Fury had problems he was dealing with, with the Avengers, leaving the teens training-free.

All the thieves, and muggers in New York must have decided it was much too good a day to rob a poor tourist of their wallet, and all the nefarious villains that seemed too often come jeering for attention were either hiding in the knucker holes, or bound up nice and pretty in a S.H.E.I.L.D cell.

Everything was just...peaceful. Something Peter was not used to. He readjusted his position on the bed, twiddling with a screwdriver between his fingers as he played around with the web cartridges. "You are restless, my friend." Danny spoke from his corner of the room, still meditating with his eyes softly closed. "Perhaps you should join me. Meditating is a wonderful way to clear your head, and calm ones soul."

Peter was used to Danny's odd fortune cookie statements by now, and just shook his head. "Nah, I'm good." He said, "Just bored." Peter looked out of the window, and debated on if he should just leave the house and go to his city. Web-slinging was always so much more fun than being cooped in a house, smelling incents and 'calming his soul'.

But Peter promised Aunt May he wouldn't be going anywhere today, she's been worried about him with how much time he spends away from home (which Peter whole-heartedly blames Fury for-not that he could tell Aunt May that though). She was grocery shopping with Ava, and Luke right now. Leaving Peter, Danny, and Nova at home.

Sam was downstairs playing video games, Peter would go play too, but he didn't want to deal with Sam's attitude. But Danny wasn't proving any less interesting, and Peter felt like climbing the walls of boredom. And he could do it!

The only sounds emitting from inside the house would be the occasional shout from Nova, as he obliterated pixelated video game characters. "TAKE THAT COMMANDER GOZAR! HAHAHAHA! ZAP! ZAP! DIIIIIIIE!!!" Peter shivered, there's only so much a guy can take.

But other than that, it was unnaturally quiet and, dare he say it, calm within the house hold? Something he hasn't experienced since the rest of his team moved in with him, after the helicarrier went CRASH! SPLASH! BOOM! It was kind of nice, but it still didn't help his need to do something.

So Peter decided to chance his sanity, and got up from the bed. He hid his web-shooters in his closet, he didn't want Aunt May (or Sam for that matter) finding them. He's broken too many web-shooters to Sam, Danny knew where he hid them, but the guy was trustworthy. He'd never sell out Peter...for the sake of his precious webs Peter hoped not.

"I'll be downstairs," Peter decided to inform Danny, just because it felt right. Danny nodded his head, humming a small "Mmhm" And kept to his meditating. Peter hurried out of the room, making sure to close the door behind, effectively containing the odd smelling candles within the premises of his bedroom. He hurried down the stairs, where the incoherent sounds coming from Sam's mouth got louder.

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