Bellekittens Prompt: I'm Not a Cannibal, I Swear!

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This is the one-shot that Bellekitten requested. Sorry about it being so late!

Bellekitten request: I'd still like to have the one-shot where the heroes find Peter eating crickets but maybe instead of post-Infected it could be that he starts acting really suspicious and that there's always a quiet chirping sound coming from him so everyone tries to find out what he's hiding and they all discover Pete's cricket munching habit?\

Petey eating bugs, I think we can make this work! ^.^

Spidery Peter coming right up!

Hope you enjoy!

Set in Season 3, episode 7 "The Savage Spider-Man"


What was going on with him?

Ever since coming back from that stupid, dinosaur-inhabiting-chunk-of-dirt-in-the-ice Savage Lands Peter has been feeling weird, well...weirder than normal.

He remembered Logan and Kazar saying that Taskmaster hit him with some odd, Savage Land poison dart but they wouldn't say what happened afterward. All they got was this distant and disturbed look in their eyes, like they were thinking of some horrible, faint memory. Then they simply tell he "didn't want to know" and walk off.

But Peter did want to know, darn it!!

Maybe it'd explain why Peter was getting continuous urges to go build himself a web and hide out in it till something yummy turned up, or why he suddenly would rather hang and crawl along the wells then "pretend" to be a normal person and walk on the floors, or even why roasted dinosaur suddenly sounded really good.

Of course, Peter had some pretty weird spidery quirks in his personality before-hand, it kind of came with the powers. But those urges were small and easily suppressed, now though, Peter could hardly fight Beetle without wanting to string him up in a web and eat his insides with Barbeque Sauce.

And Peter didn't even like Barbeque Sauce!

His weirdness was just bumped several levels up, and Peter didn't like it. Did not like it. One. Bite...Bit...urgh! Dang it!

Fury was starting to realize it too. He started staring at Peter with his eye, is one stinking eye that was scrutinizing and shining with superiority and authority and power and – ugh, now Peter was thinking of him as a threat and could barely suppress the urge to hit him, and bite him and show dominance, which was stupid because 1) Peter didn't have fangs and 2) Its Nick Fury! No one could dominate him. The best Peter could do was probable, oh, give him a headache with all his talking...yeah, that's all Peter had going for him.

So, to avoid this problem, Peter took to avoiding Nick Fury, which was not an easy task mind you.

Which is why, currently, he was sitting up high on a ledge on the Academy in, like, the one place where the cameras couldn't see him. It was warm up there, where only the coolest of breezes drifted lazily by. Peter sat with his knees drawn up and hugged close to his chest; his head lay on his knees as he watched New York from across the bay.

It was quiet for a moment, nothing but blessed silence, until...


Peter sat up in attention.


Was...was that a cricket?


Peter looked around for any signs of the bug – how did a cricket even get on the triskelion anyway? He moved around the ledge and peered in the crevices of where he sat.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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