Chapter 4: Silverheartlugia2000's Prompt

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Hey guys, sorry about not updating last week. I didn't have my chapter, nor my one-shots ready. But here they are!

This is Silverheartlugia2000's one-shot, her prompt was: Ones shot hmmm... Honestly I'd like to see more of normal Pete's spidery side what if on some days when he's super tired or sick he sinks more into Instincts than usual? Like more inclined to webs and walls? Plus I don't think cold would be very good to him for long spiders being cold blooded and all X3 the gang can't figure out why he just wants to sleep.

Alright Silverheartlugia2000-I am here to deliver! This is set after the episode "Snow Day" in Season 1, when they have to do more Winter Survival Training (because of their vacation to Sandman's Island), so it only involves the Ultimates. Hope you all enjoy!

"You know, I think this punishment is completely unnecessary." Peter said, coming up behind Nick Fury as the Director punched in the location to their training spot from within a S.H.I.E.L.D jet. Nick didn't even turn around as he replied, "Is that right?" he hummed. "Why is that?"

Peter rubbed his neck and kicked the ground softly, "Well, we already got the-rather unpleasant-shower from S.H.I.E.L.D. We learned our lesson, we're sorry about going to Sandman's Island. Can't we know, forgive and forget? I can make you a card."

This time Nick Fury turned around, looking incredible unimpressed with Peter's argument against the matter. "Hug it out?" Peter added weakly. Nick gave him a raised eyebrow in return and simply walked past the arachnid. Peter turned to follow him, "Aw come on Nick! Do I have to write it in black and white? I'M SORRY! Just please don't make me go out in the cold! Please?"

This time Nick Fury turned around to face him, "This isn't only your punishment." He told Peter. "This is also to make up for all the training that you and your team missed out on. Now stop complaining and sit down, we'll be to our training site soon." Nick walked away from Peter before the teen could give a reply.

Peter groaned, but folded his arms and plopped into a seat with a huff. Next to him Luke gave Peter an assuring pat on the shoulder, "Nice try man." He said. "But Fury is solid on this one."

"I noticed." Peter grumbled. "Do you think I should have offered to have Nova clean the S.H.I.E.L.D bathrooms?" he asked a moment later. Luke laughed as Sam gave a noise of disagreement from the seat behind them. "Whoa, why would I have to clean the bathrooms?" he demanded.

Near him Ava scoffed and folded her arms, "Because you were the one to choose that island in the first place." She answered simply. Sam scowled at her, "You guys were the ones who listened to me, so jokes on you!"

Ava face-palmed, "Well at least we know not to listen to you anymore; I guess the whole incident wasn't a complete waste after all."

Sam glared at her, his mouth opening and closing as he thought up a retort. He settled on, "Well...uh...w-whatever!" and turned away from her. "Brilliant comeback." Peter commented with snort. Sam turned to him and, even though Peter couldn't see him, childishly stuck his tongue at their team leader.

"As far as I am concerned," Danny spoke up, "We were all to blame." The rest of them grumbled out a hesitant mumble of agreement. They sat in silence there for a moment, not sure on what else to say. Nick Fury's voice floated over the intercom, saying that they were nearing their destination.

Sighing, the teens shuffled to their feet to put on their snowsuit uniforms. When they were properly prepared for the icy wind outside, they all lined up to go out as they felt the jet descending. Once they touched down, the teens all braced themselves for the oncoming onslaught of cold.

The door hissed open, and a harsh, violently icy wind immedianly greeted them. Peter shivered, and shriveled up tighter in his snow suit. "I hate the cold." He grumbled, hugging himself tighter for warmth. His teammates didn't even spare him a glance as they stepped out of the jet. They were met by Coulson, wrapped snuggly in a S.H.I.E.L.D sanctified winter coat, standing in the cold with a sinister look in his eyes. "Welcome Winter Survival trainees." He said with a smirk.

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