Chapter Two

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I wake up in the morning to find a sleeping Liam. He's the cutest thing when he's sleeping. I myself didn't feel like getting up just quite yet so I lay back down and pull the blankets farther over me.

"Morning Sunshine" I hear Liam say in his morning voice.

"Morning to you too" I smile back at him, as he puts his arm around me and snuggles in closer.

My phone buzzes and I reach over and look at it. I had gotten a couples texts.

From: Allison

Hey! Wakey Wakey Jadey! Me, Travis, Perrie, and Michael are going to meet up at Nandos in about an hour! You and Liam should meet us there!  :) x

From: Perrie

Did Allison text you??? Meet us at Nandos in about an hour! xx

To: Allison and Perrie

We'll be there ! xx

"Hey Liam wanna meet the rest of the gang at Nandos in an hour?" I ask him.

"Sure" He smiles.

"Then we gotta get up and get ready" I say getting out of bed.

"Uggggggh." Liam groans into his pillow.

"Get up!" I say pulling him out of bed. I didn't think he would continue to resist my pulling and he ended up falling to the floor.

"I'll get you for that one Jade!" He laughs hopping up and chasing me around the flat.

We get ready and drive over to Nandos and meet the rest of the gang. We do this at least once a week and we always have so much fun. We all seriously were the best of friends. We all go to the mall and decide to hang out there for a while. The girls wanted to look at clothes but that didn't go over as well with the boys... So we all kept walking around for a while when we came across a photo booth.

"LET'S ALL TAKE PICTURES IN DA PHOTO BOOTH!" I hear Perrie scream as she runs over to it.

"Haha Perrie there's no way we can all fit in there" I say to her. It was slightly larger than the usual photo booth, but it didn't appear that we could all fit inside of it.

"We can try" Perrie smiles back at me.

"Alrighty then" Michael says.

We all pile into the photo booth. Me sitting on Liam's lap, Allison sitting on Travis' lap, and Perrie sitting on Michael's lap. We're definitely squished,  but it's alright because we take the funniest pictures, and make sure we take enough for us each to get a copy.

"That was a blast" Allison says smiling at the rest of us.

"Let's go get ice cream" Michael says. 

"Yes!" Travis says back to him.

We all go get some ice cream, and use all the inside jokes we made today, making us laugh even harder than we already were at the fact that Perrie pushed my ice cream up and it got all over my nose.

"You'll regret that one Edwards...." I say trying to hold back my laughing.

"Oh yeah sure" She says knowing I won't actually do anything back.

"Wellllll.. We should get going" I say looking at Liam who looks sleepy.

"Yeah us too" Perrie says. 

"Us threeeee" Allison says lastly.

Everyone went home after a fun evening together out.

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