3. Is it love?

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Hi guys i'm back after like 2-3 months. Why would anyone even want to read this anymore?


Also, I apologize for any spelling or mechanics mistakes.


 In this chapter she is still in Kyoto.  

Mikan's POV

"That is true, but how are we going to get away with being together like this: I mean like a famous celebrity like me and a famous chocolatier like you, it's like we match so well together..." I said.

"Well, we could always BE a c-cou-couple, like g-going o-out," Kashino stammered.

My first thought was like 'WHATTT!!!!!!!!' but then after I quickly calmed down, I remembered that when I was with Kashino, I was always really happy and almost never sad.So, without actually really thinking into it(kinda), I said yes.

"Well, I guess we could start going out, since then you could go out of your shop more often..." I said. I could tell that he looked really happy and then I thought, "Did he really like me that much? Oh well, now's not the time to be worrying about that."

Just then, i heard Kyo calling me. He saw me instantly because, like, seriously, I was with THE Kashino Makoto. He came over and said," Well well well, what do we have here? Mikan Sakura with Kashino Makoto? Well, now that you think about it, you guys are technically a good match." 

Kashino showed an emotionless face on the outside, but on the inside I could tell he was in sheer happiness. It's not like I didn't care, but like I thought that Kashino was exaggerating. But I wasn't surprised, since he was the one who proposed and everything.

Kyo then said," Well, we were about to go to a photo shoot before this happened, so we will have to go now." while basically dragging me away.


Thank you so much for everyone who is still reading my first series on Wattpad. School has been cranking up lately, my teacher is super strict, and I was way too lazy to write a chapter over summer break but I'm glad that people are still reading my story.

P.S. If you comment below, I will be happy to start a group chat with you if I have time!

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