6. Uh, Sorry, But Do I Know You?

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Hey guys, sorry I didn't upload for the past half a year, but I assure you, this chapter will be very long. Also, for this chapter, I will be making Mikan and Natsume meet, and also Kashino and Ichigo. Ichigo and Natsume are a couple here, and Natsume has forgotten his memory. Please enjoy!


This chapter is when she arrives at Tokyo.

Mikan's POV

As Kashino and I split ways to go back home to pack, I bumped into someone familiar. I looked up and asked, "Misaki-chan?"

"OMG Mikan-chan is that you?!" A red-haired woman shrieked.

"So it is you! I thought you were still in Switzerland for that magician contest!" (Remember in the manga/anime, Misaki has the Doppleganger alice.)

"Yeah I did, but since I clearly proved the judges that I was obviously the best, I got first place in the whole entire contest in the round right after the preliminaries!"

"Wow girl that's like so awesome!"

"Anyways, enough about me, what about you? I heard you're going out with the Kashino Makoto, the chocolatier who makes people fall in love with his food even by just seeing them!"

"Well, yeah. Long story. Btw, when did you get back in Japan?"

"Oh, I got back around yesterday. Coincidentally, I was just looking for you, but since I didn't know where you lived, I was basically just a lost cause."

"Lol, anyways, I'm going to Tokyo for about 2 months, so do you wanna go to my house for a while? I leaving in like 5 hours, so it's probably alright for just a little while."

"Ok then, but are you just bringing me to your house to help you pack? Seriously girl, you are like so predictable!"

"Oh you just shut up ok! It's not like you and Tsubasa have gotten together yet!"

"Well, actually, we have. A week after I left Kyoto, I went to Tokyo. There, I met Tsubasa, and he confessed his everlasting love for me. I only stayed there for a few days, but while I was in Switzerland, we always sent letters to each other."

"Well wasn't that a long explanation, but look! We are wasting so much time just talking here in the middle of the road. I mean like, it's ok for me, since I'm wearing a disguise and all, but what about you!? You're Misaki, one of the best models in the top magazines! I'm even lucky enough to be your friend!"

"Ok, Ok. Then, where is your house in the first place?"

"Oh, it's right around the corner. I'm actually surprised you didn't notice it in the first place."

As Misaki and I got into my house, I started to cook lunch for her, since later she is going to help me pack. "Hey Misaki, I cooked lunch for you!"

"Oh thanks I'll be there in a minute."

"I cooked Egg Benedict for the appetizer, Ginger Orange Magret Duck with Kasha for the entree, Plate Gourmet Italian Pudding for the dessert, and, since it's summer, Iced Swiss Chocolate Peppermint Coffee."

"Ok, I have 3 things to say. First, where did you learn to cook all of this stuff? Second, why does it look so good? Third, how did you know that these were all my favorite foods!?"

"First, right after I quit high school to become a model, I started going to cooking classes, and I specially learned how to make the drink from Kashino. Second, why would it not look good?I'm better than any ordinary professional. Third, we've known each other since I came to Alice Academy, so of course I would at least know your favorite foods."

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