Author's Note(1)

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Hey guys!!!! This is just a little not to say thanks to all my readers out there! Thx so much for all the support and everybody who follows me so that I can now have 475 followers!!! *cue the 'kyaas!!!!' in the background*

Anyways, I just wanna say thanks to everybody who reads any of my three works. Shout out to Esmie101 for (thankfully) pointing out a typo/error that I did in my first chapter for I'm Coming for you Senpai. Thanks so much!

In the end, I won't be posting a chapter on anything probably until the end of September to the beginning of October. So sit tight, buckle yourself up(though not literally), and stay tuned for the next chappie of Love, Defeat, and Reunions(probably).

Sayonara, amigos!

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