5. Finally, I Will Soon See You Again

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Hey guys. Ok I know what you guys are going to say: Why didn't you keep your promise?! I'm really sorry guys, but we had our CAT's test last week, and I was like stressing out from studying. I will try to upload at least 2 times over winter break, which is from December 17 to January 3. Try to. I don't want to make any promises that I know I can't keep. And yeah, I did learn my mistake. And I probably won't make a mistake like that again. Probably. See, it is a matter of thought and probability.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yumeiro Patissiere or Gakuen Alice. I only kinda own the plot.

Also, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.


This chapter is when she is in Kyoto, but hears about going back to Tokyo.

MIkan's POV

As soon as I heard Kashino say the word 'date' I literally melted down. Thoughts kept rushing in my head. I come hear his deep voice echoing in my mind. Actually, I'll just be honest. I've never met someone in public that's not from work. It's called a reputation, okay! If the media saw that I was with an ordinary person, they would record it and I would probably lose some or lots of followers. It's like famous people vs. regular people. Two different worlds.

Well, at first I thought it would be okay, since Kashino is also famous, in fact very famous, so I think it might be ok. Might be.

We decided to do a standard first date hot spot: Starbucks(aka a cafe). I ordered a caramel frappuccino with a chocolate croissant, double chocolate brownie, and a chocolate chip cookie dough cake pop, while Kashino ordered a cinnamon dolce latte with a dark chocolate and caramelized banana oatmeal and a salted caramel cake pop.

"You know Kashino, I know it's like the morning and everything, and we are like eating 'breakfast' right now, but couldn't you at least try and not order oatmeal?!" I shrieked. (A/N: I don't mean to offend any oatmeal lovers.)

"Well, you are supposed to get something balanced for breakfast, and besides, aren't you going too chocolatey?" Kashino retorted.

I am literally. Going. To. Explode. Right. Now. Like, seriously, I thought he would understand, since he is a chocolatier and everything, right? Or so I thought. When I stopped daydreaming, I noticed that Kashino started looking uneasy. He never looked like that. Never. He suddenly started waving at something, or to be exact, someone, so I looked over at what he was doing. He seemed to be waving at some girls who had anime hearts in their eyes. And then I realized it: they were fan girls. I knew this wasn't going to be the ideal date! I dragged Kashino outside the shop, reminding him to pay for everything beforehand.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Kashino, before I put my hand over his mouth, not wanting to attract attention.

"If you would just shut up for 10 minutes, I would seriously  kiss you, but it seems like that deal is off," I snickered, anticipating to see his reaction. Just what I had planned. He shut up so abruptly is sounded like time stopped, at least for him.

After what seemed like forever, but was actually only 2 minutes, my phone rang. I looked at the number, and it was Kyo's. 

"Yo Kyo," I giggled, still hypnotized at Kashino's behavior.

"MIKAN! YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT I JUST TALKED ABOUT WITH THE DIRECTOR!" Kyo screamed into the phone, causing everyone to stare at us.

While walking into an abandoned alleyway with Kashino, I yelled, "WELL, I'M TRYING TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY, BUT IT WOULD BE VERY NICE IS YOU COULD QUIET DOWN PLEASE!!!!!!"

"Ok then. So, you know to famous producer in Tokyo called Tsubasa Ando? I hope you do because HE INVITED US TO GO TO TOKYO TO BE A MODEL OF THE NATSUME HYUUGA, WITH THE ACCOMPANIMENT OF KASHINO MAKOTO , WHO IS GOING TO BATTLE AMANO ICHIGO!"

I almost dropped my phone. Nastume Hyuuga. That Nastume Hyuuga? No, of course it couldn't be. I mean like, even if he was, he used to tell me that he would never do anything to do with celebrities.

If you were wondering, Nastume Hyuuga is, or should I say was, my boyfriend. We started dating when we were in our first year of high school, but gradually, he started to stop calling/texting me. And one day, much to my dismay, I saw him kissing another girl. I called him the next day, saying that we needed to talk. We broke up, only after dating for 1.5 years.

"-kan. -kan! Mikan! Uh hello? The talk is still going on, you know. I know you are probably stressed out about working with Hyuuga, but the phone call is still happening." Kashino said, knowing that Nastume had been an important person in my life. As I said earlier, Kashino knew a lot of things regular friends wouldn't know.

"Anyways, so will you accept this AWESOME job offer, Mikan. And btw, I think I can hear your boyfriend/Kashino in the background, so can you ask him if he accepts too?"Kyo anticipated.

"Sure, why not? It'll be a good change in the environment for a change." Both Kashino and I answered. Ah, I wonder how this will turn out?


Sorry that this is a chapter longer than usual, but it's to make up for all the 'imaginary chapters' I have to make up for. I'm also sorry that I'm not uploading on a Sunday, but whatever.

Btw, next chapter, I am most likely going to make Mikan and Nastume meet, and let Kashino and Ichigo meet too. Most likely. There is like an 85% chance that I will do it.

Anyways, if you want, I would be glad to start a chat with you if I have time! And also please click on the star thingy(I don't actually know what it is or what it does) if you want to, but don't force yourself.

Thank you and GOODBYE!

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