C #4

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Okay so you might be mad at me for what happens in this chapter.

Brooklyn's Pov at 2:04 am--

Both me and Ari got awoken by something breaking in her kitchen, we thought maybe one of her cats just got on the counter and knocked something off. But we both went to go see anyways and there was somebody in her kitchen taking and also breaking stuff. He saw both of us and hit us to the ground and then walked away. I had enough strength do pick up my phone that i dropped when that person beat me down. I called Luke and he picked up. I told quietly told him that we needed help and i loved him then I accidentally clicked the end button as a passed out.

Luke's pov____

The next day~~

Its now 12:30 and she was supposed to be back. I decided to go and see if she was okay. The night before she had told me she went to Ari's house so J went there first.

When I got there the door was opened and it was trashed inside, i started to become panicked and ran to the kitchen to see both Brooklyn and Ari laying on the ground. They were both beat up and it looked like the had been bleeding. So this is probably why Brook called me. To tell me somebody broke into Ari's house. Im so stupid, I should have called her back instead of fallin back asleep to make sure she was okay instead of just assuming that she was. I immediately called 911 and the cops and paramedics came 2 minutes later.

As the girls were being rushed to the hospital, I told the cops that I came into Ari's house and everything was recked and they were both laying on the ground unconscious. Luckily it turns out that Ari had added security cameras outside and in the entrance of her house, so the cops now knew who robbed her and did this to them.

Brooklyn's pov

At the hospital/////

I awoke at the hospital and all of the memories of last night cane rushing in my head as it started to hurt. I remembered that somebody came into Ari's house and robbed her and beat us up. I wonder who found us though. The nurse came in and checked a few things and then told me i had rebroke the bone i broken before in my car accident and was lucky i didn't have anymore broken bones considering they were fragile because of the crash. Then she told me that i had a visitor, i wonder if its Luke?

Luke came rushing into the hospital room with the boys of 5 seconds of summer. He came and hugged me and then Ashton, Calum, and Michael walked over and hugged me also. Then, Luke told me that he found me and saw that we were passed out and called the police, and that how I ended up here. I told all of them that the nurse said I rebroke my broken bone and that was all. I then asked how Ari was. "Well she... she is a coma and it looks like she isn't waking up for a little." Michael said, "Can I see her please" I whispered. "Yeah sure i'll go tell the nurse your going to Ari's room" Ashton said, and then walked out the door and down the hall. Calum, Luke, and Michael then took me to Ari's room and i just sat next to her and cried. I cant believe she was in a coma. Im going to miss her so much until she gets out of it, she was always there for me and then she protected me from the robber too. If I was the one that was in front of her and i protected her she would be fine right now. This was all my fault.

Ashton's pov•••••

I went and told the nurse that we were bringing Brooklyn to go see Ari and then went to Ari's room. When I got there the boys were standing outside of her room. "As soon as Brook saw her she ran to her her side and started crying, she hasn't stopped since" Luke said. "I wonder why shes so sad, I mean I would be crying if my best friend was in a coma but still."

Later that day.-.-.-,

Brooklyn's pov~.~.~

I was now back at home with Luke and the other boys of 5 seconds of summer, we were deciding what movie to watch while Michael was getting pizza. "Hey Brook can I talk to you for a sec" Luke said "sure " i said back. We walked over  to the side of the room and Luke asked me "Hey i was wondering... Why were you crying so much earlier when you were by Ari?" I started crying a bit then said " Ari has been in a coma before... When she was first in a coma the doctors said that... she might not survive if she gets in one again."


At least it wasn't Brook. Lol.
Do that was a longer chapter then the last 3 i think?

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until next time,

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