Cupboard Narnia, Chapter 4

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Lily had been walking for a while, maybe twenty minutes before she came across the first memory. By then, her too-small trainers were rubbing her feet, she was sure she was getting blisters, and she was getting tired of all the walking. She couldn't really see anything interesting, all she could see was trees and she was ready to turn around and go back, when she heard the voices.

"Luce! Get away from the water! It's cold" someone laughed.

Lily stepped forwards towards the sound, wondering if she should approach them. She inched into a large clearing, watching the people from behind a tree.

"C'mon, Lucy, Dad wants to have lunch now! Oi! Don't splash me!"

Four people were there. Two girls were laughing, sitting in the sand next to a rookpool. How was there a rookpool in the forest? Two adults, obviously their parents sat further back, reading, on a picnic blanket, an unopened hamper next to them.

Lily gasped, her heart pounding.

A dozen memories flashed back into her head, hitting her hard and leaving her almost breathless.

Lily's six-year-old self was sitting a few feet away from her.

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