Cupboard Narnia, Chapter 9

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Lily didn't realise how addicted she was becoming to the Cupboard. Before she knew it, she was setting an alarm every morning so that she could run through the forest before school. She would stay up late to watch her parents arguing, or take her schoolbag into the Cupboard and do her homework in front of Liz and Mike's wedding. More and more often, she'd find herself inside the forest without really registering having climbed inside. Every new memory that worked its way back inside her head brought others with it. Slowly, her memories were coming back.

Lily hated it. Firstly, there were some things she didn't want to remember. Secondly, she hated the feeling of thoughts rushing back into her head. It was as if she had no control over her mind. In truth, she was aware of everyhting that had happened. She remembered the facts, but not the actual events. This was the way she had wanted it to be, particularly staright after the split. When she searched her mind for details, all she could bring up was 'Mum and Dad split up. Lucy went with Dad. They moved away. Liz married Dad. Mum married Harriet. Lucy attacked Harriet. We don't see Lucy. We don't see Dad.' She remembered what had happened, but not how. She didn't really want to know.

Considering this, Lily should have stayed away. But she knew she couldn't. Somehow, though she hated remembering, she knew she needed to. They were her memories. She needed them back.

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