Cupboard Narnia, Chapter 28

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The Cupboard was strange that night. It was almost as if it was running out of memories to give her. Lily didn't like it - she like that she might have all her memories back, obviously, but she hated the idea that the Cupboard was...well, in a way, failing. She felt almost betrayed. And she knew that most fifteen-year-olds didn't feel betrayed by the cupboards under their sinks.

Lucy felt betrayed too - by Lily. She was sick of Lily going off into the Cupboard at the most innapropriate moments - days that would become happy memories if they were allowed to, or sad times. Just last week, Sarah had announced that a great-grandfather Lily and Lucy had never met had died. Sarah was quite upset, and while Lucy comforted her, Lily ambled upstairs to the Cupboard.

Lucy was gearing up for a confrontation.

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