Cupboard Narnia, Chapter 7

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The new year passed before Lily returned to the Cupboard. Countless New Year parties flashed by, fireworks which woke her up at night - but she didn't take much of it in. She was too busy thinking about what she'd seen. That Christmas. In fact, she hardly noticed the present day's Christmas, because she so wrapped up in one from seven years ago.

The memories were returning more slowly now - Lily had got the hang of pushing them away.

On January 6th, Lily went back. The forest was the same as last time. She ran through the trees, desperate to get to the clearing. When she did, she was not prepared for what she saw.

The clearing was a garden. Around thirty people were sitting at wooden benches, drinking champagne and eating canapes. Everyone was dressed in fancy clothes; suits and ties, cocktail dresses. Sarah and Harriet sat at a bench, chatting happily. An eight-year-old Lily sat on her mother's knee.

Sarah and Harriet hadn't been married in a church for obvious reasons - but they had had a wedding reception that they invited their friends and family to. Lily remembered exactly what happened next. She knew she shouldn't watch, but - she also knew she had to.

A few late guests were straggling in, greeting Sarah or Harriet with congratulations and presents. Mike and Liz finally showed up with Lucy, and both twins ran in opposite directions - for very different reasons. 

Lily ran towards her father and hugged him.

Lucy ran towards Harriet. The real Lily watched from the trees, her hand covering her mouth. 

Lucy attacked Harriet. Properly attacked her, clawing at her face, punching and kicking her. Everyone stopped and stared as Harriet screamed and tried to get Lucy off her. Liz ran forward and pulled Lucy back. She dragged her, kicking and screaming, out of the garden.

"You lot are just horrible people," Liz shouted at the gate. "How dare you provoke Lucy like that? She will not be seeing you or your stupid little family again!"

The present-day Lily walked away silently as Lucy was carried away. Her eight-year-old self was hiding in her mother's arms, waiting for it to be over. Her father ran after Liz, shouting for her to wait for him.

Lily could still hear shouting when she reached cupboard doors. She crawled inside and shut the door carefully behind her, collapsing inside her bathroom.

Why did she have to remember?

She had forgotten for years.

There was no reason why she should remember now.

Or was there?

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