First meeting

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First Meeting.


I opened my eyes and let out a long, relaxing breath. The one luxury I did have was I didn't work on Saturdays. I am going to do nothing all day it's going to be hell'a fun.

I got up and did the tangles out of my hair. At least I could run a brush through my hair. I throw it in a messy bun. That was all I was doing.

I had my yoga pants and a cute tank that I had slept in. Then I "made" breakfast for myself. Take a wild guess. I swallow the water. It was only 4 glasses now. I wasn't joking about every last dime to rent. I sit on my couch. No social media, no Netflix or TV channels. Nothing. To. Do.

I listen to music from a free service on my tv. Suddenly, no other than my apartment building room rang. Was that cutting to the chase for you?

I answered, not caring who it was because I did look presentable and thank the heavens for that. Okay, presentable was an understament. The outfit was the only put together part of me.

"Good afternoon, are you Ms.Kane?" A handsome young man asked in a rough voice.

"Yes I am, may I help you?" I studied him up and down and prayed he didn't see me check him out.

He was a looker. He seemed to be around my age, maybe a little older from the stubble. I came up to just below his shoulder. It wasn't because I was short, either. He was just that tall. He had deep eyes and brownish blond hair.

If he caught me checking him out, he didn't comment on it. "You're late." He demands with a beautiful frown.

My eyebrows raise. "Um, okay, creep. And how would you know that?" I raise an eyebrow. Flo said I was one day.

He looked amused for a minute, and then it disappeared. "I'm the new management." He crosses his arms, and holy hell, those biceps flexed in that tight little shirt. Was this the equivalent of women dressing like sluts? Something about a man dressed this nicely screamed slut to me.

My mouth forms an o shape and a slight blush crosses my cheeks. Dumbass.  I scold myself. He was talking about my rent not my period. Although I already paid the new rent collector. He wasnt dressed as nicely as the man in front of me but...oh fuck.

"Don't mess with me." I stated a little scared. Please be a joke. Who the fuck did I give my money too. Maybe I should live with my parents. Clearly I was still a navie idiot.

"Do I look like the type of man to joke around." He says flatly. He looked annoyed with me. His foot begins to tap impatiently. He shoves the paper work at me. Showing me the company and how they hired him. He was clearly the real manager of these apartments.

What on God's green earth did this guy want me to do... or even say? I had barely a dollar to my name. I hoped like an empathetic idiot that whoever had all my money at least using it for something good. "A man stopped by earlier, I assumed..." I trail off.

Was he even listening to me?

"You paid cash... to someone without asking for credentials?" He asked amsued, angerly amsued. His head tilts to study me for the first time.

His eyes went up and down slowly. If he liked what he saw he didn't show it. "You're stupidity is not my problem. I need the money or your out tonight." He adds gruffly.

My eyes widen. I was scared, but anger took way. "The law says I get thirty days asshole!" I argue.

He gives me a cold look. "Not here, you dont."

I decide to play the roll I was best at. The kiss ass doormat. "I fucked up. I know. I'm sorry. Can we just....can we extend for two weeks. I promise I can get the money. Im so broke right now." I say as gently as I can. I will some tears. Get the water works going.

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