Surprise surprise

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Hey readers Im watching a new show called new girl its a very good show.

Recap: "I would love to thanks mom. I try swallowing the lump in my throat and do my best to stop thinking about the one person I needed most right now.

Chapter 14 : surprise surprise


You would think with every passing moment it would get easier to forget him but that most certainly wasn't the case.

I felt sad and in pain it has been a week since I've seen Toby to be honest though it feels like years.

I get to go to the fancy art theater with my mom and dad today hopefully that will take my mind off of him.

I went down stairs and made breakfast for myself leaving extra in the pan for them. The thing I didn't like about when my parents go to the theater it's more like a gathering for business and fine art.

My week has been horrible this poor sweet guy asked me on a date telling him I liked someone els I turned him down.

Hey sweetheart I see you made breakfast and I see you saved me and your father some are you exited for theater night?" My mom showed up in her sleep wear.

"Yes I can't wait are you sure they will have whine." I lie through my teeth. I really hoped they had drinks I needed it, its been a long week.

"They will don't worry but don't let your father see you drinking you know how he is." The drinks were going to be on the business side instead of the art side but I didn't care.

My mom left the room to go back to bed she told me to wear something dashing but I didn't see the point. I only cared if one person thought I was beautiful or not and he's not here so I think I'm just going to wear skinny jeans and a T shirt.

I was washing my clothes because we were leaving at 8:30. I threw on my denim skinny jeans with a pink floral tank top. My finishing touch was my black covers boots with some casual make up.

I was ready to go so I sit down watching some cable T.V waiting for my parents. I thought about how pathetic I was twenty three years old and living with her parents.

They were out of there room looking all dressed up and fancy my mom was in a black dress with my dad next to her in a tux. My mom had big hoops in her hair as I shook my head that she would wear that.

"Honey well be there in a second your father has to find his dress shoes." My mom told me as I laugh this was my family always running late to things.

By the time they made it to the car It was already eight. They stepped in front, started the car and hit the petal.

We pulled up to the big theater once inside I check my phone my mouth dropped and my eyes were being ripped from there sockets the date read February 13th. Valentines day was tomorrow just great another reason to remind me of what I don't have.

"I need a drink." I told my parents closing my phone I just almost broke down right there in front of them.

I scurried off to the business side of the theater and went straight to grab a glass of expensive whine.

I sighed looking around its like he's every where every single thing reminded me of him all these men in tuxes only thing different is none of them look as good as Toby did.

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