Scared shitless

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We stand in the halway for a minute. "So, do I just follow you to your villa?" I ask, trying not to sound excited. "I can just send you the address." He says.

I cough awkwardly. "I dont have Google maps. I have a track phone." I blush.

He sighs. "I shouldn't have even assumed." He steps into my apartment...well, I guess it was technically his apartment. His whole body aura took up the space.

"You have nothing." He repeated.

"So you've said." I glare and walk to him in the living room. "I can be quick. Give me an hour. The couch is comfy." I tell him. He looks disgusted. His billionaire tastes obviously so above a second-hand couch.

I take my backpack and stuff it of all the clothes I had. I grab some books. I didn't have much in my little apartment. I go to the living room and can't find Toby. I checked the bathroom and kitchen, but still nothing. I go to my bedroom and frown.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I yell.

"What. The. Hell. Is this?" He asked, holding up my bad dragon. I go over and snatch it out of his hands. Now I can explain that. I wasn't into that thing, but I had bought it for myself as a gag gift. To be on my book shelf. I knew that was super weird but...but that's who I was. Weird.

"Are you asking because you genuinely don't know or because you are a pervert?" I ask him seriously and slighlty rude.

He stared coldly right back. "Maybe I should ask you that. I don't want to hire some pervert as my assistant. You have to be professional and that." He points to the blue tentacle in my hand. "Is not professional." He finishes shaking his head.

My cheeks blush. I kept managing to make myself look bad in front of him. "I...I've's's a gag."

He looks surprised.

"Gift! Gag gift. God! Ew! I've never. I mean-to each their own, but I haven't." I sigh. "Strictly professional. I promise." I say in defeat.

"Are you done?" He changed the subject, thankfully. I nod my head yes.

"Go hop in my car. I'll be right there." He said so casually, but damn how can he after that. Maybe because he wasn't the one defending his honor of a big monster tentacle.

I put my boxes in the back of his black hellcat. I had never seen anything like it. These cars were overpriced and worthless. Then again, if you had money to piss away, I guess this is what you did with it.

He trails with the rest of the boxes. I smiled at him wide-eyed. "Thank you." I say.

"Don't mention it. Im trying to hurry. I have a phone call to make." He said like it wasn't a big deal. It was sweet, I didn't have to ask him, but it was nothing to blow me away. He gets into the hellcat, and I follow suit.

He dialed a number, and it rang a few times before someone actually picked up. I heard a female voice from the other end. Not even a minute into the phone call, she starts yelling at him.

I felt a pang of satisfaction that he was getting screamed at. Served him right.

"Yes, honey." He said, sighing with frustration. I studied his facial features some more looking at his hair - oh gosh, his hair - it made me want to lace my fingers through each little stand and feel the silkiness of it. I shouldn't be thinking like that. Sexualizing my new boss was a bad idea.

"I know, baby, and I'm sorry I had to help my new assistant." He says and glances over at me with a disgusted look on his face. I was getting sick of the glares and shitty looks. He was treating me like a trashy lowclass. I was, but it wasn't any excuse.

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