Quick goodbyes and quick make ups

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Recap : she kissed me!

Chapter 16: quick goodbyes and quick make ups.


What a horrible night for me and Toby how the fudge will he cope with this. He thought she was his perfect match well maybe he can move on to me now.

Ok Abigail right now is not the time to go to fantasy land! I told my self

I was trying to stay away from her while I was cooking breakfast that's when all the signs came together her calling me beautiful and hugging me.

Toby walked in carrying her bridal style and I couldn't help my scoff she was put down and they both came to where I was making eggs.

Sandy came up behind me trying to give me a morning hug and I backed away stumbling on to the floor and I blush furiously from what was under me.

Bare feet..

Toby's feet ...

he grabbed me under the arms and lifted me up.

"A little clumsy tis morning I see." I blush some more I can't even look at Sandy.

Im not judging gay people but I do feel sorry for her to see me swooning on someone other than her.

"Eggs are ready bye." that's all I could choke out as I scurried off to my room and getting some air on my bed how come I always seem my stupidest around him. I guess when your in love it makes you do stupid things.

"Abigail it's me Sandy may I come in I need to know if your okay." She told me in a tip Toe whisper voice.

When I was little my mom always told me "honesty was a priority even if it hurts you." and as of right now I can't get that quote out of my head I can be brave it's okay to be blunt sometimes.

"Yes come in we need to talk." I told her while she came in with a smile on her face. It made me dread this further.

"what do you want to tell me?" She was looking me straight in the eyes no it was not intimidating it looked sweet and this is not going to be pleasant but I start anyway.

"I know you don't like Toby and I won't mention any details but I'm sorry that's who I like and I know someday that special girl will come along even of its not me but please try and not hurt him."

Her faces pales 6 shades darker and regret swoons around me. I tired and I tried to say it in the nicest way possible.

I wait for the reply will it be mean ,nice ,understanding I guess I'm going to find out.

"I don't no how you found out so fast but I'm sorry I don't want to hurt him he seems like a nice guy and as for you that's to bad because we would of been cute." She tells me all this in a rush I would call it luck but I think I can try and get Toby to forgive me.

"Well how do you want to do this would you like me to tell him tonight?" I gasped I totally forgot she will have to dump him at some point in time.

"Yes I will talk to him at the store as we go I will try and make him as comfortable as possible." We were talking and I offered her a small smile and she gave it back when Toby knocked we both got silent and went to working our plan out step by step.

"Hey Toby sweetheart can you and Abigail run to the store we need more eggs some one has been cooking them.we also need tampons I have started my cycle and I don't have a plug."

I chocked turning bright red ew she does not have a plug that's just so ew....why would she say that.

"Yes honey, come on Abigail get up." Toby said like he was demanding me saying my name in a deep voice it was either deep for two reasons and the second one being that he was turned on by the nasty plug commit.

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