Wet and wild

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Recap: Are we dating this time or are we friends with benefits? He didn't seem to mention dating in fact I don't think he likes the idea which puzzles me I guess there's only one way to find out on that road trip and boy can't I wait.

Chapter 17: wet and wild


Did I awake peaceful in Toby's arms?...hell ya I did!

I woke while he was still sleeping and I laid there like a creepy stalker watching him with a big fat grin on my face. I have missed him for it feels like years and finally I get the one thing I want...to call him mine.

He turned and shuffled waking up and when he saw me he gave me a handsome smile.

"Good morning princess." He still had a smile on his face which made me smile even more like an idiot because he looked happy and that sure as hell made me happy.

"Good morning would you like breakfast?" I ask him hoping he would say yes Im getting very hungry.

"Yes I would and while you cook bacon and eggs I will pack." That didn't surprise me he always wanted eggs and bacon it was his favorite breakfast food.

I was ready for the road trip if it was any thing like what we did last night. I remembered as the memory came back to me with us both naked in the bathtub just enjoying each others company.

I got in the kitchen grabbed the eggs from the fridge while the temperature of the fridge bursted in my face.

One thing I really liked about today is I got really good sleep and something tells me it's going to get even better.

"All packed is the food ready?" He packs fast maybe we would only be there for a day or two. I guess it shouldn't take that long then agin why are we even going.

"Yes your breakfast is ready and why are we even going on this road trip?" Okay what...I had to ask the curiosity got the better of me good thing cats have nine life's.

"Well we have to go there because my file reports for the 3 thousand dollar case got stolen and I know it's not that big of a deal it is only 3 thousand dollars but I have to change my password for the security so the person who hacked it can't get anything els."

Oh my freaking gosh who is this dude a billionaire...... okay yes but 3 thousand dollars that is to a lot of money not to care about!

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"Well lets just say Toby 3 thousand dollars is a lot of money not to care about." He looked at me shook his head and gave me a cute smirk.

"Princess you have no idea how much money I have do you? want to know something that's all yours because your mine, if you think otherwise then soon you will be screaming to the roof tops that I own you."

Well I think I died and went to heaven how can he go from cute and playful to hot and drop dead sexy the next is that even humanly possible.

Is he even a human being or is he some sexy god that destroys little girls hearts like mine?

"Go load up in the car Ill be out there shortly oh and here take this." He thew me a pudding cup since I didn't get bacon and eggs.

This will have to do but before I went out I just wanted to try it.I walked over to him took his fork and bit the egg he gave me a dimpled smile.

He put the bags in the trunk and when I saw the bags I think ruffly we'll be staying for about three days.

He shut the trunk and before he came in his side door I unbuckled my seat belt. I wanted him to buckle me I seemed to like it the first time he did it so here I am not buckling my seat belt on purpose so he can.

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