The dinner party

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Hey readers did you know I am typing this at 6:16am, I have coffee and I'm going somewhere at 7:00 ugg lets hope it doesn't sound droopy.

Recap:"I don't hate you Toby." I said looking serious but once agin I knew I did ......I hated his guts.

Chapter 12 : the dinner party


Does anyone ever tell you that you wake up drowsy or grouchy? Well I was neither of those right now I woke up with the fattest grin on my face.

Oh so once upon a time in fairy land a girl named Abigail had a dream that she new how to get her revenge on a guy named Toby.

I looked to the other side of the bed and sure enough there was a sleeping beautiful jerk face. I got up silently and made my way to the huge stack of papers on his desk. I'm glad I woke up early or other wise I would get caught red handed planing my revenge.

I got lucky like fate must of be in my hands lucky because the first paper I picked up was the one I was looking for and it read...

Dear Toby,

We would like you to put all your income and interest money in this company. We would promise cash back every interest rate and we think we would be good for you to keep your money safe. If you would like to invest your money to the company write us back.

Yours truly, a-2b

I knew that this letter was a scam and that someone had sent him this letter hoping he would buy it so they could get there hands on his money. It was obvious first off because there's no company in the world named a-2b.

Im going to feel bad for making him lose a chunk of money but if you knew what it was like to be hurt not once but multiple times you would understand.

Consider me a bitch for doing this if you like but he deserved this. I wrote a letter back to the people saying.

Dear, a-2b

I would like to invest most of my money in your company hoping and trusting you will keep it safe. I also would like my assistant Abigail Kane to tell you the account numbers and the password.

Sincerely, abi...Toby.

I erased the Abigail part and now all I had to do is find the password to the safe that his moneys in.

I wasnt going to give away all his money, especially not my 5,000 dollars but I would take a decent size chunk of it. It's not like he can't raise more his company's high up in the market right now it will just put a dent in things for a while.

I looked around trying to find the passwords but I heard shuffling. I quickly ran to the bed and pretended to be asleep I could feel his gaze on me as I "slept." I got tingles as his hot breath came to my ear. It soon went away as he spit in my ear!

"How is waking up to my wet spit princess." I was mad but there was nothing in the morning like hearing his groggy voice and seeing his bed hair.

"Honestly how is waking up to no coffee and breakfast." It was to early in the morning to argue with him. Now that I was in bed I wanted to sleep.

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