Chapter 1

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"I didn't want to fall in love, not at all. But at some point you smiled, and, holy shit, i blew it."

Knock knock knock! "Honey, are you awake yet?" Said a soft voice behind Rue Aurelia's bedroom door. Hearing that, Rue immediately perk up from her sitting position on her bed then quickly opened up her bedroom door. On instant, her sight fall on the middle aged woman who is standing patiently infront of her. "Good morning Aunt Esme, yup just finished getting ready." She said cheerily, excitement clear in her voice making her aunt chuckled. "Well, I can see that, you look beautiful dear." Aunt Esme compliment sincerely.

Rue Aurelia such a happy-go-lucky girl. She always bring good vibe around people. Always treated people right. Being gifted with an exquisite feature just a bonus but she never bragged about it. Her cerulean blue eyes that filled with such an immense amount of love and life that never failed to capture people attention, her natural straight hair that reached down her waist, her cute button nose, lip as red as the color of red rose petal, her cute 5'4" height and petite little body. What make people loves about her is her personality. She such a humble and down to earth human being.

Hearing that, makes Rue cheeks heated up immediately clearly not use to compliment. "Uh, thanks?, uh can we go now? I don't want to be late for my first day of highschool." She mumbled the last part not realising she was fidgeting out of habit. The thing is, she's so damn insecure about herself. Maybe she never got a person who can make her feel comfortable with compliment or maybe she just feel small about herself. Aunt Esme coo slightly and pinch Rue's heated cheeks. "Okay, let's go, but you need to eat breakfast first young lady. Don't you think I didn't noticed you skipped dinner last night. You're skinny enough." Aunt Esme exclaimed. "Apparantely not skinny enough for society." Rue mumbled under her breath making her aunt humming in question clearly not hearing what Rue just said. "Nothing." She said with a drop-this-topic tone.

Rue always get sensitive when her weight or her body is getting on topic. She hate how his tummy show a bit when she sitting down. She never like her legs eventhough people always compliment her for having a legs to die for. The two silently make a short walk toward the dining table. Rue politely take a sit infront her Uncle Eli and greet him a soft 'good morning' then served herself a couples of chocolate chip pancakes. Well, you can't never get enough of pancakes. "Morning to you too Lia, aren't you look so jubilant and beautiful today." Uncle Eli said teasingly but Rue just ducked her head to hide her face that she was blushing.

Lia is a special nickname for Rue that been claimed by her Uncle Eli, same with Rue's father who never address her by her first name. Not that she mind. She need a father figure in her life after her father divorced her mother then moved away to a new state. That divorced impacted hard on Rue's mother and decided to moved to a new country for a better job opportunity. She never complained or blame it on her parent for making she lives with her aunt and uncle. Even at young age, she understand very well what was happening and try her best to make this better for his mother by staying with them.

Rue snapped away from her thoughts realizing Uncle Eli is talking to her. "Um, sorry, I didn't quite catch that." Rue said with an embarrased tone. "It's okay, I was saying, why don't you accept compliments? I mean, you tend to brush it off. Why?" Concern lacing through his voice. "Because it feel like I've been lied to." Rue answered honestly. Aunt Esme must've sensed the tension rising in the room and decided to cut in. "Dear, let's go. Don't wanna be late right?" Rue nod and chewed her last bite of pancakes then excuse herself to put her plate on dishwasher.

About 20 minutes later, Rue is standing infront her school gate all alone, most of students already in their respective class.

Feeling a bit intimidated by the school so she decided to give herself a peep talk. "Okay, this is it, I can do it, it's just a school. Pfft who am I kidding, this place is where most teenages life went downhill or not. Don't freaked out, don't don't don't. Oh sugar honey iced tea! I'm freaking out!" Rue exclaimed loudly while her hand flailing around trying to calm herself down but clearly it's not working.

Ringggggggg! a loud bell rang indicating lesson will start in five minutes. She quickly composed herself, with an anxious smile playing on her lips she make a way towards her first class, Mathematics, making her completely oblivious to a pair of blue eyes who's been watching her from afar, amusement clear in his eyes.


Ringgggggg! "Okay fellas, that's all for today, no homework for today so enjoy it while it lasted." Said Mr. Bow, Rue's English teacher which is also her last class for today.

Rue quickly make her way towards the school bus stop waiting for her aunt to fetch her. She waited, waited, waited and waited. Suddenly, there's a loud laugh coming from a group of boys whose on their way toward the bus stop. One by one passed in front of Rue but the last boy is the one who catch her attention. All she could think that time was, woaahh that smile!

Rue noticed the boy height is quite short compared to all the boys that just passed in front of her but still a head taller than Rue. The only thing that caught Rue sight was his charming smile. The way he thrown his head back while his hand clutching his stomach when he laugh. Gosh, his laugh. Rue sweared she could hear to his laugh all day. Woah thats creepy enough, but it's like a music to my ears. Stop Rue!

The boy stopped laughing but a smile still permanent on his face. Rue take in his facial feature. From his sharp cheekbones to his sharp jawline. Ouch! look like it could cut her finger if she dare to touch it. Not that the boy will let a total stranger touch his cheeks. Crazy Rue. Next, Rue take in his brown hair that been styled into a quiff. She scoffed quietly "Did this boy just stepped out of Vogue Model?"

Rue catch the boy eyes flicker to her just for a second. Woaaah blue eyes, wait a minute, I didn't said that out loud right? Rue quickly raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth subtly to make sure she didn't drooling over the hot boy. Thinking how handsome the boy is totally not helping Rue insecure state. He's so handsome, he must've a girlfriend already. I'm just a potato. Rotten potato. Fat rotten potato. Ugly fat rotten potato.

Rue push aside all the feeling that starting to bubble up. She may never experience having a crush but she know damn well how hurts a false hope is.

A/N: Hello! Okay guys. Here's a new chap. Hope whoever reading this enjoy it as much as i do. Im sorry for any errors cos i type all this on my phone.

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