Till Death Do Us Part - Percabeth

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Annabeth Chase

I opened my eyes slightly, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the light. Leo was crouched by Festus, grease covering his hands and tools in his hands. Piper was watching the sky, leaning against the sides. Jason was beside her, one arm around her waist.

"Hey, you're up," Hazel said, offering me a smile. I smiled back, slowly getting to my feet. I still felt like I was going to die any second, be dragged back into the hell that we'd just escaped from.

"Yeah," I managed to say. I was still plagued by memories of Tartarus. I tried to not even think about it, but it was hard.

"Annabeth, come have some breakfast," Hazel urged, grabbing my arm. I let her pull me under the deck towards the dining room. She grabbed a plate of pancakes covered in syrup and berries, and handed them to me.

Frank and Hazel sat down next to each other, straight across from me. I felt almost forced to eat, and I hardly even managed to down one mouthful before I felt sick. The lack of food in Tartarus had meant I could hardly eat anything.

I finally managed to force the food down my throat without gagging and ran back up onto the deck. I was dressed in clean denim shorts and one of my Camp Half-Blood shirts. I tied my hair into a messy ponytail and let my thoughts wander to how Nico and Reyna were.

"Hey, Wisegirl," Leo chirped, bounding over to me like an excited puppy. I smiled at him, and he gave his signature elvish grin. "How ya doing?"

"I'm doing good. Thanks for asking Leo," I replied, sending him a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. He noticed it, and frowned. He threw a grease-stained hand through his curls, turning a few strands black.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he queried, his brows furrowing. I sighed, looking down at my hands. I felt weak and abandoned, like I had when those despicable creatures had made me blind in Tartarus and I couldn't find Percy.

"I was so scared I was going to die," I whispered, fear sending stabbing pains through my chest. Leo's gaze hardened, and I wondered who or what he was thinking about.

He chuckled humourlessly, a strange look in his eyes. "So did I, after Khione sent me away. But then I found Calypso."

So that was who he'd been thinking about.

"I had Percy." But even that didn't seem to do anything. Yes, I'd loved that he'd been there; god, if he hadn't, I doubted I would've been able to reach the Doors. But what would've happened if he'd died? What would've happened if I'd died, and left him alone in that Hell.

"But that meant you had to be strong for him, be worried about him, and fear for his life, not just your own," Leo added without me having to say anything. I nodded, feeling my heart sink. "And now you're worried about how it's going to turn out. You and him, I mean."

It sunk further. Was I that easy to read?

"Annabeth, you shouldn't be worried about that," he continued. "If you two survived Tartarus together, you can face anything. I don't even want to imagine what happened in there."

I didn't reply. The horrors of what we had faced were burned into my mind, and I couldn't close my eyes for fear of having to face them again.

"He's probably thinking the same thing, Wisegirl," the Latino said, making me pause. I hadn't even contemplated that. "So, go find your Seaweed Brain, and I will get us to Greece in time."

I nodded, still unable to speak.

"Good luck, Wisegirl," he smiled, standing up and walking back to Festus. I watched his back, a slight frown on my face.

Finally I stumbled to my feet and traipsed down the stairs into the hold. I didn't bother cleaning myself up; Percy and I had seen each other at our worst. I found his door, which had his name and Poseidon's trident symbol carved on it.

I knocked once, feeling awkward. I couldn't hear anything, and it didn't open. I knocked again making it swing open. I frowned as I took a step into the dark room. I turned on the light and a small noise escaped my lips.

Percy looked up, his eyes glazed and red. He sniffed, not even bothering to smile. I almost ran to him, holding him in my arms.

"I had a dream," he said simply, and I knew what he meant. For us, dreams meant nightmares, recollections of our death-defying journey to Tartarus. "Annabeth, how are you here?"

I frowned. "What do you mean, Perce?"

"You're dead," he whispered, his voice breaking. I let tears slide down my cheeks. "You left me. H-he killed you."

"Ssh, Percy," I whispered, my own voice catching. "I'm here now, okay? And I promise I won't leave you, okay?"

He looked up at me, his beautiful green eyes framed by wet lashes. "You promise?"

"I promise," I agreed, only able to see the stubborn twelve year old I had first met. And fallen in love with. "Till death do us part, Percy. Till death do us part."


I sighed, leaning into his chest. I could see the night sky through the window, stars speckling it. His arms wrapped around me, his breath warm against the nape of my neck.

I wished we could stay like this forever; wrapped in each other's arms, safe and loved. But I knew that couldn't happen.

We were about to face Gaea, and either Jason or Leo would die... Or Percy. That thought hit me hard, and a slight whimper escaped my lips. Percy tightened his grip, his breath even.

"What's wrong, Wisegirl?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"I'm just thinking of the prophecy," I stated, my voice filled with worry and fear. "About the 'to storm or fire the world must fall' part. Percy, think. Storm. What happens in a storm?"

"Air," he replied, then he paused. "And water."

"And water," I clarified. "Percy, you can't. That experience in Tartarus...I can't live without you, Percy."

"But what about Jason and Leo?"

"This sounds so cruel and disgusting," I said, feeling sick just thinking about it. "But I don't care. As long as it's not you."

"I've lived through too much, Annabeth," he said, his voice rough which signalled he was about to cry. "It should be me."

"Why not me then?" I cried, tears now pouring down my face. "Percy, if you go, I go with you."

I turned to face him, and his eyes were hard but full of tears. "You won't follow me, Wisegirl. Promise me."

I stared at him defiantly. "No."

I could see him thinking, then the door burst open. Hazel stood there, her eyes wide and a sword in her hands.

"We're under attack," she stated, and we jumped up, grabbing our weapons. "Hurry up."

She disappeared into the hallway and I faced Percy, a small smile on my face.

"Till death do us part," I whispered. He smiled at me.

"Till death do us part, Wisegirl," he agreed, before we charged into battle.

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