[9] Sorry

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Aisling tapped her timetable with her wand and started to colour-code each square depending on the subject written in it. "Transfiguration - blue. Defence Against the Dark Arts - red. Care of Magical Creatures - green. Potions - oh!" She had forgotten to write in any potions revision in for this week. Feeling angry with herself, she picked up a new piece of parchment and started again.

She heard a sharp, bark-like laugh and looked up to see where the noise was coming from. As if she even had to check. Sirius and James were hexing first years to make their hair change colour. Although the first years didn't seem to be too upset about it; they were all staring up at James and Sirius with clear admiration in their eyes. Aisling however did not admire the pair. In fact, she really wished they would shut up.

She went back to her timetable, chewing on her lip without realising. She did this so often now that her bottom lip permanently had tattered bits of skin coming off it and deep grooves in it from her front teeth. She looked up again and wrinkled her nose in slight disgust when she saw that Peter Pettigrew was among the first years now applauding and cheering whenever James and Sirius turned someone's hair a violent shade of pink, yellow or blue. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.

The last week had been the most hellish that Aisling could ever remember. Ever since hers and Snape's conversation in the library, the Slytherin now cornered her at every opportunity to reveal more information he had uncovered and ask her when they were going to 'put the plan into action.' So much of her time was now taken up worrying about how to stop said plants that she had less time than ever to revise for the exams - which now started in less than two weeks.

Finally, after five more minutes of trying to write up a revision schedule with no success, she collected up her things and climbed out of the portrait hole, intending to go to the library. However, she had only made it down to the second floor when she heard a strange noise coming from the girl's bathroom. It wasn't the usual wailing and crying of Moaning Myrtle but a sort of retching sound. She stood and listened for another minute or so before deciding to investigate. She slid into the bathroom and was immediately confronted by a very angry looking girl. She was pearly white and translucent and was wearing large glasses on her rather spotty face.

"Hi Myrtle." Aisling greeted the girl, very much hoping she wouldn't come any closer as the feeling of a ghost touching you or going through you was extremely unpleasant.

"There is a boy in here!" The girl shrieked indignantly. "A boy in the girl's bathroom. Do you know what happened the last time there was a boy in the girl's bathroom? I DIED."

And with this rather strange outburst she dissolved into loud sobs and dived down a plughole. She would probably sit in the pipes for a while and cry, Aisling thought to herself.

She made her way across the bathroom to the only stall which had the door shut and knocked on it. "Are you okay?" She asked its inhabitant, who was still making heaving sounds and did not sound at all as if they were.

"Yeah." Someone answered thickly. Aisling had the distinct impression that person was trying to disguise their voice.

"You don't need to bother trying to hide who you are. Myrtle has already told me you're a boy."

No answer, but quite a bit more gagging.

"Look, you're not in trouble or anything. I just think that if you're feeling ill you should go to Madam Pomfrey instead of staying in- "

"I'm fine!" The voice replied, sounding angry now. "Just leave me alone won't you? Keep your nose out!"

Aisling was shocked and a little stung. She had only been trying to help the boy after all.

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