[21] Hogsmeade

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It was bitingly cold Saturday afternoon, and The Three Broomsticks was full of Hogwarts students who were desperately trying to escape the chill outside. Aisling, Lily and Alice were huddled in a booth in the far corner of the tavern, nursing their drinks and chatting, when a group of boys approached.

"Alright if we sit here?" Remus asked, his nose and cheeks were pink from the cold.

"Of course." Alice said, smiling.

"Brrrrr." Sirius shuddered as he slid into the booth next to Aisling. "It is colder than a banshee's snatch out there."

"Than a what now?!" Aisling giggled despite herself.

"Wormtail, go and grab me a Butterbeer would you?" James said, sliding some coins over to Peter.

"Ooh, and me!" Sirius and Remus chorused, passing more money to Peter, who looked a bit annoyed.

"Why is it always me who has to go to the bar?" He demanded, pouting.

"Because you're the smallest." Sirius replied nonchalantly. "It's easier for you to get to the front when it's busy."

Huffing and scowling, Peter scraped his chair back and stomped off towards the bar while Sirius laughed to himself.

"You should be a bit nicer to him." Aisling scolded, watching as the back of Peter's head disappeared into the crowd of people.

"Oh, shush." Sirius said dismissively. "Are you drinking Gillywater?!"

"I like it." Aisling replied defensively.

"Weirdo." He teased.

"Wanker." She shot back.

He looked very much as if he was opening his mouth to shoot another insult at her. But before he could, they heard James shout.

"Hey! Gid, Fab!"

The Prewett twins smiled widely and came sloping towards the table, greeting everyone in turn. When Gideon's eyes slid over to Aisling, he grinned.

"Now then, McCawley." He said, his hazel eyes twinkling.

"Alright." She replied, blushing slightly.

"Fancy a drink?" He asked, eyeing her Gillywater.

"I've got one, thanks." She said, gesturing to it.

"I meant with me." He responded, without skipping a beat. "At the bar."

"Oh...I- ouch!"

Lily had pinched her thigh, hard, underneath the table and was glaring at her.

"Go on." Lily muttered out of the side of her mouth.

Smiling politely, Aisling stood up and set off towards the bar with Gideon; only turning back to make a questioning face at Lily, who grinned impishly.

"So, how've you been?" Gideon asked, sitting down on a tall barstool.

"Fine thanks." Aisling shrugged, doing the same. "You?"

"Busy." Gideon answered simply, trying to catch the eye of the bartender.

"Oh yeah?" She said, fiddling with a beer mat. "What are you up to these days, now that you're not wreaking havoc in the corridors."

"Ooh, I couldn't possibly say." He smirked, tapping his nose.

"I see." She smiled at him, he was very easy to talk to.

He leaned forward, lowering his voice.

"Me and Fab have been doing some work for Dumbledore, see." He whispered.

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