[36] Letters

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What's up, Buttercup?

I know it's late and you probably only just got back into Kilbaha (that's your village, see I listen!) But I tried waiting until tomorrow and just couldn't. SAPPY BASTARD!!!

Please excuse Prongs, he's bitter because he hasn't got anyone to write to.

Liar! I have Lily.

Do apologise, let me rephrase. Please excuse Prongs, he's bitter because he hasn't got anyone to write to who will actually REPLY.

Anyway, I'm just writing to let you know that I'll be doing my apparition test again in four weeks (second time's the charm.) So I should be able to come and visit you soon. Prongs' mum has made us dinner so I have to cut this letter short, but you can be expecting many MANY more this summer. Mainly just me checking if you're looking after my jacket.

Love you always



What's up, Buttercup?

In response to your rather rude comment, yes I probably would have passed my apparition test the first time if I had actually turned up for it. But, if you will recall, I was more than a little bit preoccupied that morning. Ungrateful sod.

Prongs and I are going to France tomorrow, so I'll buy you some of those chocolates you like or something? I don't really know what's good but you can let me know if you'd like anything specific.

Moody came round today, we're starting our training with the Aurors tomorrow. Has he been to see you? Do you even have the Floo up in the ass end of rural nowhere? I think we're mostly going to be working on defensive spells at first, but once we get onto jinxes and hexes you can show them that nifty little jinx you used on Prongs last summer. Sometimes when he blows his nose the snot still comes out blue.

He's shouting at me now and claiming it's not funny, but it sounds more like he's trying to convince himself than anyone else. Anyway, he's saying I'm boring because I won't come and play Quidditch with him. If there is one thing I won't stand for, it's being called boring. So I have to go.

Much love


p.s. I'm sending you some wax stuff to use on my jacket.

p.p.s. you better do it; I'll know if you don't.


Bounjour, Buttercup!

France is amazing, I wish you were here. Although, sharing a hotel room with Prongs is getting less bearable by the second. He's taken to wearing an excessive amount of muggle "aftershave" because apparently it makes him smell amazing. Personally, I think he smells like that time we threw a Filibuster Firework into Snivellus's Hiccoughing Potion.

We went to the Eiffel Tower yesterday, when I stood at the top I could see all of Paris. I think I'll take you there one day, it's amazing. Euphemia is finding it hard keeping on top of all the washing. Now that we don't have Zookey with us it seems to really be hitting her how much of a slob her son is. It's so good now though, being able to use magic outside of Hoggy Warts – I did get in trouble the other day though for bewitching the swimming pool to drain away because all the muggles were hogging it.

I regret nothing.

By the way, I got you some of those chocolates. When we get back, Moony, Wormtail and Longbottom are coming over for the weekend. I think Longbottom is bringing Alice if you want to come? Not that you would only want to come if she was there, the radiant light of my presence should be enough.

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