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"I need a change, Liam! I can't stay here anymore in this fucking city that holds so many fucking bad memories. I want out! And I want out now!"

I was screaming and crying. Liam and I had gotten into a fight which at first was about my attitude but which I of course turned around on him.

I blamed him for my unhappiness.
I blamed him for only saving me and leaving Harry behind. I knew it was not fair and absolutely unnecessary, but I needed someone to blame for my pain.

"Then what the hell do you want from me, Rose! I work my ass of for you! I put up with all your stuff and I never complain. What do you fucking want?!" He yelled.

I saw no anger in his eyes which surprised me. Only frustration and pain. I knew he was right and I knew I was way out of line, but I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't pretend any longer.

"I need space!" I screamed as I grabbed my head with my hands.

"Then go! Fucking leave!" He yelled back at me.

"Fine. I will," I said coldly as I grabbed my laptop.

"Rose, what are you doing?" Liam said more calmly as he walked over to me.

"I'm booking a flight." I said without looking at him.

"What do you mean you're booking a flight? You can't just pack up and leave the country. What about David and your job?" He said trying to reason with me.

"What job? That shitty job at the zoo? I don't have to worry about school since I can't dance anymore and I'll figure something out for David." I bitched at him.

"Rose, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that, but please don't do anything stupid." He said.

I looked up from my computer into dark sad eyes and I took a deep breath. He did not deserve this. I shouldn't be so mean to him all the time. He takes such great care of me. How could I take someone like that for granted?

"I'm sorry." I whispered looking down at the ground. I felt tears fall from my eyes and then my laptop lifted from my lap.

"Come here." He said taking my hands and pulling me of the couch.

I snuggled myself into his embrace as I let the tears flow. I didn't want to fight with him, but I also really meant what I said. I do need a change. I do need to get out of here and figure stuff out.

"I understand why you need to go." He suddenly said and I pulled back from his arms to look up at him.

"I realize that what you had to go through with Thomas and then with Harry has left deep scars on your heart. Maybe you are right. Maybe you do need to go somewhere for a while and get yourself sorted out." He sighed. He sounded defeated and I felt sorry for him.

I knew he felt like he failed because he tried so hard to sort me out and it wasn't working. I wish I could explain to him how much I appreciate all he does for me, but my behavior and my moods show nothing like that. Why was I so hard on him?

"Liam, I.."

"I understand. I will help you find a good place to go to and David can stay with me until you get back." He said with a weak smile.

"Thank you." I whispered as I laid my head back against his chest.

I didn't understand how he could still be so patient with me. I had done nothing but make his life harder from the second he saved me out of that horrid place where Jason held me. Just thinking about that place made me shiver. And yet he refuses to give up on me.

We sat down and decided not to think about it right now but just to enjoy each other's company.

After a while I realized it was getting late so we decided to order in. I was really in the mood for some burgers and obviously I got my way. After about thirty minutes the bell rung and I got up to open the door. When I did I was a bit startled.


He didn't respond.

"Liam! Look who's here!" I shouted with excitement.

I hadn't seen Zayn since the day they all left my apartment. But when I looked back at the door he was gone. Only the food was left on the spot where he just stood. I looked into the hallway to see if he was still there, but he was gone. Weird.

I picked up the plastic bag with our burgers in it and went inside. I put the bag down on the table and started to take out our food when I noticed a small note at the bottom of the bag.

"Bogota, Colombia." Was all it said.

Why was it on there and why was Zayn the one who had just delivered that. I quickly took the note out of the bag and put it in my back pocket.  No need to worry Liam.

"Boys! Dinner!" I shouted. Liam and David walked into the kitchen and both sat down with a smile on their face. They were so careless.

We ate dinner together and then I put David to bed. I was very tired myself, but I wanted to go and see if I could find any information about why Zayn left that note. I grabbed my laptop and snuggled into the corner of the couch.

"Bogota." I mumbled.

Why Bogota? I didn't know really what to search for so I just googled Bogota. First thing I saw was the Wikipedia site with all it information about Bogota.

This is not it. I thought to myself.

I scrolled further down and came across a site that talked about the drug trafficking in Bogota and an uneasy feeling fell on me. I'm sure this wasn't what Zayn was going for when he left that note. We were out of the whole drugs scene. Why would we want to go back? Or maybe this note wasn't meant for me. Maybe it was meant for Liam. I doubt it.

I wasn't sure why, but something about this made me curious. So I started looking at flights and hotels. Not to be leaving right a way. Just to get an indication of what it would cost. I told myself. Deep down I knew why I was really looking at it.

"Bogota?" I suddenly heard Liam behind me.

"Yeah. I've always wanted to go." I lied

"Isn't that like really unsafe with all the drugs cartels and all?"

"I'm sure they have a more tourist-y place there too." I smiled.

"Well are you sure that this is where you want to go? I mean, wouldn't you rather go to like Spain or something. Some nice weather would do you good."

"The weather in Colombia is also nice, Liam."

"Okay. Well if this is what you want."

"This is what I want." I said as I clicked the button.

I needed to know.

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