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Harry's POV

I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. Rose was sleeping peacefully next to me and she had one leg on my stomach and her face nuzzled in my neck. I loved it when she would lay like this. Also I could grab her ass really well like this, so I kinda had a boner too right now. I was still thinking of a plan to somehow be with her, but I couldn't come up with anything. Rose had David at home. She was gonna leave at some point and I couldn't go with her. Jason would follow me and most likely hurt her and David. It wasn't an option. I looked over to this beautiful girl sleeping next to me and I felt my eyes start to water. I couldn't lose her again. I just wouldn't survive it.

Suddenly I heard some shuffling outside of the door. You've gotta be kidding me.
If they found us here Theresa most definitely ratted us out. I stayed quiet. Maybe it was nothing.
Until I heard the beeping sound of the lock and the door opened. Fuck.
I carefully removed myself from under Rose's body and reached under the bed where I had hidden my gun. I carried it around at all times to protect myself. I wasn't gonna let what happened two years ago happen again.

I silently opened the bedroom door and peeked around the corner. Nothing. With my gun steady in my hands I went into the hall. My heart was beating out of my chest. I really was not in the mood to shoot someone. As I had reached the kitchen I heard something coming from the living room and so I hid behind the counter and listened to the footsteps coming towards me. I held on to the gun and steadied my breath. If I had to take someone out I would take the fucker out.
In a swift movement I got up and pointed my gun at the direction of the sound and saw Diana in front of me. Also pointing a gun in my face. We were face to face pointing guns at each other and I could see no fear in her eyes. This woman was not scared of anything.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered. I didn't want to wake up Rose. Maybe Diana didn't even know she was here.

"I need to talk to you, Harry. Put down the gun."

"How about you put it down and then we'll talk." I said looking straight at her keeping my gun pointed at her face.

"Fine." She said as she lowered her gun and put it back in the holster.

"Please put it down." She said as she raised her hands to show me that she had nothing on her.

I slowly lowered my gun but I kept it in my hand. I had seen her shoot people. She was fast. She would have that thing pointed at my head in no time if she wanted to.

"Why are you here, Diana?" I asked her again.

"I need to warn you. Jason knows she's here. He is dead set on killing her because she's once again a problem." She said. I almost saw worry in her eyes. That can't be right. This woman was the master mind behind the first kidnapping. Why was she warning me?

"And why should I trust you? Why should I believe that this isn't some scheme to get me to hand her over? I don't trust you Diana. Why would you even think I would trust you?" I hissed.
Now that she stood here in front of me and I had Rose in my bed, my protective instinct kicked in and I really wanted to take her out. Eliminate the threat.

"I know you don't trust me and you have every right not to, but I'm serious. She is in danger. You need to get her on a plane home as soon as possible, Harry." She said. There was definitely worry in her voice this time.

"Jason has gone to far. I wanted to get even, but this has gone on too long. And putting Rose's life in danger and that of her son is just too far." She said looking down at the floor. She almost looked.. ashamed? Was she finally coming to her senses?

"I can't leave her again, Diana. You know I can't. I need to find a way to be with her. So either you let me go, or we have to take out Jason. Which I know you won't like cause I can tell you still think you love him." I said putting my gun down on the counter. I was taking a leap of faith here, but I didn't think she was gonna shoot me today.

"You know I can't let you go, Harry. He will find you again and he will kill you this time. You need to send her home." She urged.

"She's not leaving my side. I will go with her or she stays here." I said walking from behind the counter. I realised that I was in my underwear when I saw her look down and the corner of her mouth curled up a little as she looked back up at my face.

"Fine. Do whatever, but know there will be consequences. I warned you. At least this is not on my conscious." She said and she turned on her heels and walked out the door.

What the hell was I gonna do now. Jason knew she was here. After this conversation I didn't think Diana would tell him where we were, but I could never be sure with her. She could just as well go home now and have Jason and the others in this room within hours. I needed to come up with a plan. I needed to do it soon.

I went back into the bedroom and looked at the clock. 3:45 AM. Maybe I should get a few hours in. I wasn't gonna come up with a plan if I was too tired to even think, so I laid back down next to my still sleeping girl and closed my eyes. I could feel a horrible nightmare come up as I fell a sleep. Not again.


"Stop! Put him down here."  I heard Jason's voice. They threw me down on the ground and told me to stay down on my knees, so I did. They had me beat up pretty badly and I was too tired to fight right now. I had been blindfolded since we got out of the plane. I had no fucking clue where I was, but I could smell the rain and I could feel the damp air on my skin. It was warm here. Hot even.
I heard Diana and Jason discussing something, but I couldn't really make out the words. Suddenly the blindfold was pulled off of my head and I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the bright sunlight. I could see a figure standing over me. As my eyes adjusted I saw Jason standing there with a huge grin on his face. If I wasn't so tired I would smack it right off.

"Welcome to Colombia, mr. Styles." He smiled as he opened his arms to show the surroundings.

No.. Colombia? That couldn't be right. What the actual fuck! Colombia?!

"No.." I whispered.

"Jason, please no!" I said louder this time.

I was so tired I couldn't even get angry anymore. I was so frustrated and I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. I didn't even care anymore. They had already taken everything from me and now they brought me to the country where drug cartels ruled the city's and you could get shot for being with the wrong cartel. I knew why I was here and it scared me.

"Jason, please.. I get it. We're even okay? I left Rose, you hurt me as much I hurt you. Please don't make me stay here." I started to cry.

"Jason, please I beg you. Please let me go home!" I was crying loudly now and I didn't even care. I was so done. I was broken and beaten and tired. I didn't care if they saw me cry like a little girl. I had nothing to live for. Rose was gone. I was shipped of to the biggest drug country in the world and I was supposed to do his bidding here. I was most likely gonna die. I didn't care. I wished they'd just shoot me right now.

"You are not going anywhere and we are not even. We will never be even." He said with a mean grin as he bend down to be at eye hight with me.

"You are nothing, Harry Styles. You lose."

I closed my eyes as I heard the words he said. I saw her in my mind. She was smiling. She looked so beautiful. Suddenly I realised something. If she's still alive there is still hope that I would be with her again, but to keep her alive I was gonna have to do what needed to be done. Maybe someone would kill him at some point. Maybe I would kill him. Maybe there was hope. Maybe I could leave and find her. I needed to find her.

"Fuck you." I hissed as I spit on the ground before him.

He laughed and gave me a pat on the head. It was degrading and humiliating and I finally felt the anger rise up again. The anger gave me strength. It gave me hope. I was gonna get this son of a bitch. Even if it would take years. I saw Diana look at me. She looked somewhat worried or sad. I couldn't really figure out what the look was, but she stayed quiet as she followed Jason back to the car.

The blindfold was put back on my head and I was lifted by two man who shoved me back into the van. This was it. I was not gonna leave here without Jason being dead. I just needed to find the right time.

But he was gonna be mine.

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