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Diana's POV

''What do you mean she found him?! How did that even happen Diana? No one was supposed to know where he was!''

Jason was screaming furiously at me and I took it. I did this. I never thought she would actually find him. But somewhere deep inside I did hope she would. This whole situation has been eating me up inside since the first day we moved Harry here and he broke down in front of us. The big, scary, bad boy Styles cried his eyes out right in front of me and then I realised it. We went too far. This was too much. This was not trying to get even anymore. This was torture.

'' I need you to find her, Diana. And get rid of her for good while you're at it." Jason said pointing his finger at me. He was infuriated.

"Sure.'' I said calmly and walked out. I wasn't going to get rid of her. I would try to find her. To warn her. Not that she would believe me or even let me live if she saw me, but I needed to make amends. I couldn't live like this anymore.

I walked out of the house and put my hat and my sunglasses on. This Colombian sun was too much for my white English skin and I hated it. I hated the heat and the dirty streets. I hated the people and the language. I did not belong here.

I tried to call Harry again but of course he didn't answer. He knew I knew and he was most likely trying to hide her from me. He should. Even though I wanted to fix this I also didn't trust myself. If Jason were to ask me something I usually just did it. I loved him. I think. Or maybe it's Stockholm syndrome I don't know.

I walked over to my car as I heard my phone ring. So I quickly got into my car and picked up.

"They're going. I'll text you the address." I heard her voice.

Good I found them. Now I'm just hoping they won't shoot me before I get a chance to explain myself. I started my car and drove of. I needed to come up with a plan. If I just walked in there they would not let me get a word in before killing me. Or well at least Harry wouldn't. He would do anything to protect her this time. I was sure of it.

Rose's POV

The penthouse was amazing. It was a beautiful open space with a lot of windows which let you see over the entire city. The kitchen was beautiful dark green with white marble countertops and a golden faucet. I loved that kitchen even though it looked like it has never been used before. The living room was huge with a big white couch that had way to many throw pillows on it. A big flatscreen tv hung on the wall above a beautiful white marble fireplace and the rug on the floor was the same colour green as the kitchen. A enormous white piano stood in the middle of the open space between the living room and the kitchen and I felt excited looking at it. Maybe I could take up singing again while I'm here.

''This place looks amazing" I said in awe.

"Thanks, I designed it myself.'' Theresa smiled.

She was nice. I didn't like the fact that she had been with Harry, but I wasn't one to talk since I had been with Liam who also was one of his best friends. I didn't know how he would react so I had not told him yet. I knew I should've when we discussed everything, but I just couldn't.

"Thank you Theresa, I owe you.'' Harry said as he walked up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. I could feel his chin leaning on my head and I closed my eyes for a second. I knew this wasn't gonna last forever, so I wanted to enjoy these moments as much as I could.

Harry walked over to the piano and put his fingers on the keys. He looked at me for a second and sat down. Suddenly out of this piano came the most beautiful sound and I stood there amazed by the way the notes came together as one gorgeous melody and I cried. Maybe it just moved me or maybe all the emotions that I had bottled up for two years came flooding out, but I cried. Harry noticed and he gave me a loving smile, but continued to play. I guess he understood that I wanted to cry that I needed it, so he played and I cried.

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