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"Come inside, quick." I urged and she quickly got inside so I could close the door.

"Did anyone see you come here?" I asked

She just stared at me.

"Did anyone follow you?"

Still staring.

"Rose?" I pushed as I grabbed her arms trying to find her lost in thought.

As I touched her her eyes shot up at her arm and back up at me. I saw the tears well up in her eyes and a small smile of what seemed disbelieve appeared on her face.

"No." She just answered.

I sight in relieve and looked back at her. She's here. We stood there for a second and I let go of her arms. She looked at me and I saw so much pain in her eyes.

"You left me." She said softly.

"I did not leave you."

"You left me." She said louder this time.

"You could've come back for me. You could've at least called or send me some kind of message to at least let me know you were okay."

I heard the pain in her voice and it broke my heart.

"If I could've I would have. You know that."

"Why didn't you come back for me? I've waited for you and looked for you. You broke my heart."

"It wasn't like that and you know it. I had no choice but to leave. Please you have to understand that. I would've never left you if I had any other way to make sure you were save."

She stayed quiet. Still looking straight at me.

"I've missed you." I whispered as I came closer to her.

"I've missed you so much you have no idea." I said as her placed my forehead against hers.

She sighed and closed her eyes.

"I've missed you too." She whispered and I pulled back to look at her. Her eyes even more beautiful than I remember even though I could see she was worn out and in pain.

"You are so beautiful." I said cupping her cheek. She smiled at me closing her eyes and placing her hand on mine.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked.

She opened her eyes to look at me and nodded. So I took a step closer slowly moving my face towards her. I could hear her breathing become more rapid and for a second I just stayed like that. Our noses brushing against each other before I slowly placed my lips on hers. She lifted her chin a little so she could kiss me back and I felt her hands gently slide behind my neck in to my hair. Oh how I had missed her touch. Her lips.

Suddenly I felt this passion rise inside of me, almost desperate and I kissed her harder and she responded by tucking at my curls, so I grabbed her waist and pulled her body against mine. I heard her moan as I pressed my fingers into her soft skin and without hesitating I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. The towel that had just been there had now dropped on the floor and so I carried her to the bed where I gently put her down breaking the kiss. She looked up at me as I slowly reached for the bottom of her dress to pull it up.

"I can't believe you're actually here." I whispered as I kissed the inside of her thighs pulling the dress up. I made a trail of kisses from her thighs up till I could pull the dress over her head. She grabbed my face and looked at me before gently kissing me.

I kissed her back and made my way to her breasts. To my surprise the was no bra to unclip, so I gently kissed her nipple and I heard her moan. I've missed that sound. I made my way down to her panties and while kissing her I slowly pulled them down. For a second I pulled back and looked at her. She had such a beautiful body and even though she had visibly lost weight she still looked fucking amazing to me. I was in awe of how beautiful this woman was and she noticed my stare.

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