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"Touch her again and I'll kill you!" I yelled when someone suddenly grabbed my arm and I realized I had been dreaming.
I looked next to me to see Rose holding my arm while she was staring up at the ceiling.

"Again?" I asked quietly.

"Again." She said turning her head towards me.

We had been camped out in this house for about two weeks now trying to come up with a plan to be together and also keep Rose safe, but it was harder then we thought.

I had told her about everything that was going on here now and every single detail of what I was involved in. I didn't want any secrets anymore and I figured if she knew she'd be prepared.

She wasn't to happy about me still being in this business, but she understood why and why I had no way of quitting.

"Let me make you breakfast." She suddenly said and got out of bed.

She walked out of the room and I sighed as I let my head fall into my pillow. We were both barely sleeping because either one of us was always having extreme nightmares or I had to work nights and she wouldn't sleep until I got home.
This is not the life I wanted for her.

I got up out of bed and checked my phone. I saw Theresa had called, but I ignored it. I explained to her that it was not going to happen between me and her and she didn't take it well. Even though she understood she felt like she had a right to have me because she'd been taking care of me in the time I was apart from Rose. I didn't see it that way, so now I was ignoring her.

I walked into the kitchen to see Rose with a knife in her hand staring out of the window.

"Baby what are you doing?"

No response.

"Rosie, please put the knife down."

She still wasn't moving or even looking at me.

"Rose, come on!"

"Shut up!" She suddenly said as she turned around at me.

"There is someone outside." She whispered.

"Get away from the window." I said as I quickly walked over to where she was standing and took the knife from her.

She backed away against the wall and I saw the fear in her eyes. I didn't see anyone outside, but I saw some movement in the bushes by the gate. Maybe it was just an animal. I don't think someone would go hide in the bushes to spy one me. Except..

"Theresa." I whispered.

I put the knife on the counter and walked over to the front door.

"Theresa, what the fuck are you doing out there?!" I yelled as I opened the door.

She slowly got up out of the bushes and looked at me like she just got caught in a crime. Which is basically what happened.

"You've got to be kidding me." I suddenly heard behind me.

"Theresa, come inside. I'm making breakfast."

Wait what?

I quickly turned around as I looked at her with wide eyes. What was she doing? I was not in the mood for this woman to have breakfast with us. But she shrugged her shoulders and smiled at me.

"Give the girl a break Harry." She smiled.

I rolled my eyes at her and nodded for Theresa to come inside. This was not the breakfast I was looking forward to.

As Theresa slowly moved to the door I gave her a small smile and let her walk through. Rose was setting the table and Theresa went in to the kitchen and asked if she could help. This was weird.

"Could you keep an eye on the eggs? And maybe cut the fruit? I'm almost done here." Rose said.

She sounded friendly as if they had know each other for a long time. As if they were friends. What the hell was happening here?

"I'm sorry, I wasn't stalking you or anything I just left some stuff here and I wanted to wait until you were gone to get it." Theresa apologized.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Rose said and she gave her a smile.

"So have you figured out what you're gonna do about all of this yet?" She asked looking at me.

I wasn't really paying any attention to the conversation because I was so weirded out by all of this.

"Harry?" I heard Rose faintly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I said as I came back from my thoughts.

"Have you thought about how you're gonna do this?" Theresa repeated her question.

"Actually no. We have been trying to come up with something, but I just can't find a way to make sure she is safe and be with her." I said looking down at the floor.

I felt like such a failure for not even finding a way to keep my girl safe.
The food was done and Rose and Theresa put everything out on the table.
I sat down next to Rose and Theresa took a seat across from me. I felt embarrassed to be sitting here with these two women who I had both recently fucked and now seemed to be friends.
They were actually making small talk. What the hell was going on? Why wasn't Rose mad or annoyed at least. I tried not to think about it too much as I ate my breakfast.

"I have a place you can stay." Theresa suddenly said and I looked up at her.

"You know my parents own a hotel right?" She said and I nodded. I did know that. But how was that safe. It was a commonly visited place and a lot of people would see us.

"You can stay in the penthouse. It belongs to me, but I have some stuff to take care of somewhere else, so at least for a while you could stay there." She said looking at her plate.

I looked at Rose who was also looking at me and I gave her a look asking what she thought about it, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Well is it safe? Will a lot of people see us there? Because if so, we'd better stay here. No one has found us here yet." I said.

"It's safe. No one goes up there except for the maid. She brings my food up too when I don't feel like going down. I trust her." She said.

I still wasn't sure about this. Could I even trust Theresa? I had hurt her too and seeing as my experience with women I had hurt wasn't all that good I was a bit skeptical. What if she would rat me out? What if people were already standing by to take her away from me again? I couldn't risk it.

"Baby, what do you think?"

"I don't know, Harry. I know we can't stay holed up in here forever, but you also know I can not stay in Colombia forever either right?" She said looking straight at me.

Fuck. Of course she couldn't. She would eventually go home and I would have to miss her all over again. I felt a stinging pain in my chest as I looked at her eating her breakfast. I don't ever want to miss her again. I just didn't know how to keep her with me and also keep her safe.

"Maybe we should just try it. I think I'd rather stay in a penthouse than here. At least there I might have a nice view." She joked.

Maybe she was right. Maybe we should just try it. Maybe we should just find a way to be together and maybe it was better to do that there. Where we would be safe. My address was known to too many bad people. They could find us here any day now.

"Okay, maybe we should." I said and I looked at Theresa.

"I trust you, Theresa. And I don't do that very often. You do not want to break my trust you hear me?" I threatened her.

"I hear you." She said calmly.

"Thank you." Rose said and she smiled at the girl who just a while ago was unknown to her.

"You're welcome." Theresa said as she looked at the girl that used to only be a name in my nightmare.

We would find a way. We have to.

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