The Smiling Skeleton

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I look ahead at the land now castes upon my eyes. A frozen wonderland. Trudging my feet through the snow I wonder why Toriel didn't want us here. Just saying her name hurts.


I turn around and the twig I recently walked past had been snapped by someone other than me. Could it be Chara. Maybe. If so I should walk a little faster. Picking up my pace a little I hear footsteps behind me. And suddenly they speak.

"human..... don't you know how to greet a new pal.... turn around and shake.. my.. hand..."

I turn a round and shake his hand. I see a small skeleton just taller then me. A fart noise came from his hand as I held it.

"heheh... the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny. Anyways, you're a human right? That's hilarious. The name's Sans, Sans the skeleton. I'm usually supposed to be on the watch for humans like you right now. But... y'know... i don't really care about capturing anybody. Now my brother, Papyrus... he's a human hunting FANATIC. hey, actually, I think i see him over there. I have an idea. Go through this gate thingy. Yeah, go right through. My bro made the bars too wide to really stop anybody."

Walking through the bars fills me with this weird feeling. It's comforting.

"My bros coming quick, hide behind that conveniently shaped lamp!"

I hid behind it and conveniently it was the perfect shape to hide, even though he could see me from the side. Sans's brother comes towards sans. He is a rather tall skeleton with a slimmer completion then Sans.

"Sup, bro" "You know what-sup. Brother. It's been eight days and you still haven't..... Recalibrated your puzzles! You just hang around around your station. What are you even doing" "Staring at this lamp, it's really cool, you wanna look" "NO!! I do not have time for that!! WHAT IF A HUMAN COMES THROUGH HERE!?! I WANT TO BE READY!!! I WILL BE THE ONE! I MUST BE THE ONE! I WILL CAPTURE A HUMAN! THEN I, THE. GREAT. PAPYRUS..... WILL GET ALL THE THINGS I UTTERLY DESERVE! RESPECT... RECOGNITION... ILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO JOIN THE ROYAL GUARD! PEOPLE WILL ASK, TO BE MY, FRIEND? I WILL BATHE IN A SHOWER OF KISSES EVERY MORNING."

"Hmmmm... Maybe this lamp will help you." "SANS!! YOUR NOT HELPING!! YOU LAZY BONES!! ALL YOU DO IS SIT AND BOONDOGGLE! YOU GET LAZIER AND LAZIER EVERYDAY!!!" "Hey take it easy, I've gotten a ton of work done today. A skele-ton" "SANS!!!" "Come on. Your smiling" "I am and I hate it! SIGH... WHY DOES SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME... HAVE TO DO SO MUCH JUST TO GET SOME RECOGNITION..." "Wow sounds like your really working yourself... Down to the bone." "Urg... I will attend to my puzzles... As for your work? Put a little more *backbone* into it!!!! NYEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEEHEEHE!!!"

I see papyrus walk of toward the distance before quickly returning. "Heh"

"Ok you can come out now"

De-Termination: Chara X male reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now