The demon that comes when people call its name

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After a few more rooms and a few more puzzles we made it to her house she told us to look at the room first on the right. We made are way there and open the door to see a lit room with a orange overhaul. One bed laid on the right side of the room with a lamp, two teddies and a toy box around it. To the left of the bed was a wardrobe that seem old but stable. Along with those on the left side of the room we saw a set of drawers, a chest, a drawing of a golden flower and last of all a table lamp on a table. I took a moment to take in the rooms beauty, it looked as if it was planed for awhile. But that was impossible.... Right?

Frisk decided that she needed a nap and flopped onto the bed ad immediately dozed off towards whatever she would dream about. I went over to Toriel who we now call mom. She noticed my presence and called out to me. "Oh hello my child. I am just about to make a pie for you and Frisk, would you like to help" "OK"

Where am I? It's black... It's all black. Oh wait I remember. Great. "Hello again Frisk" it called. "What do you want, I said we were through" I look around. Yep same place. There was the yellow box in front of me again. CONTINUE or RESET the two choices that determines the fate of this timeline. "Oh~ but I thought we had a deal, I'd leave you alone if you helped me destroy this timeline" I remember the deal I made but it's different now... (Y/N)'s here. "I don't want to go through with the deal any more. This.. This is different. He's here" "But that shouldn't put a stop in OUR plan. Besides there's no refunds" it giggled. I can't give in to them. It manifested itself in front. Right in front of the yellow box, there stood the person I've come to know as Chara. She seemed nice at first, guiding me through the underground until I had finished the last timeline she became what she is today. She calls herself a demon that comes when people calls its name. "~Come on Frisky~' She said in a flirtatious tone. She pulled out her knife and shot at me. I could hear a faint voice calling my name "FRISK FRISK WAKE UP" and it all went white.

De-Termination: Chara X male reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now