Meeting The Demon

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"Greetings (Y/N), I am Chara" The world is completely black, the only thing that stood you was the green and yelled demon in front of me. "C-Chara!?" "Oh I see you are surprised by my presence. That was to be expected of you seeing as you only know me for the demon that kills for no purpose." Wait a minute if Chara's hear and Chara's out there that means the Chara out there was Frisk the entire time. Oh my god.

"How could I be so blind. I let my emotions take over me, clouding the truth!" "I see you are now realising the truth (Y/N). I'm surprised it took you so long." "D-Does that mean your going to kill me, I mean when we were in snowdins forest you didn't hesitate to kill me so I'm most probably going to die here huh!?" "Even if I did have the intention of killing you I couldn't" "Why not?" "Look"

Chara pulled out her knife and chucked it at me. Luckily for me the knife just passed right through me. "Woah." "That's why that annoying skeleton you call Gaster is still alive." "Wait so if you don't want to kill me then why did you bring me here?" "I brought you here to tell you the truth..."

Frisk ran through the frozen forest passing all of Papyrus's puzzles. "Oh god if Chara's not with me then they must be with (Y/N), this is bad." Frisk eventually reached Sans and Papyrus's house. Frisk ran round the back down to the lab knowing Sans would be there. She knew that he would be there because Chara told here that Gaster was back and that would mean Sans had to use the machine.

Walking down the steps she reached the basement only to see Sans freaking out and Gaster trying to fire the smoking portal. "S-Sans what are you doing... Where's (Y/N)?" Frisk thought this was a risky move because she thought that both Sans and (Y/N) thought she was Chara. Sans turned around and jumped. "Ahh Frisk we need help" "huh you need my help?" "Yeah we got Gaster out of the portal and I saw Chara grab (Y/N) out of the corner of my eye socket, then she pulled him in the portal and the portal broke." "So that's where Chara went." Then the realisation hit her. "Oh god if she has (Y/N) this could be really bad. We... We need to save him."

Knowing that somehow she could save (Y/N) filled her with DETERMINATION

De-Termination: Chara X male reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now