Finding Out The Truth

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"So Chara what is this truth you want to tell me" Chara's face has stayed the same the entire time. "Did you know I'm not really the bad guy." What is this a joke, does she really think I'll believe that. "No (Y/N) it's true, it all started when Frisk first fell in, I don't know why but her determination exceeded most. It even awoken me from death and allowed me to come back albeit I was like a ghost. I helped Frisk through they underground and got them to the surface. But after that they got bored and reset."

"They continued doing the true pacifist route until they got bored of doing that in general. Then they agreed to do the genocide route, we made a deal to do it once to erase this pointless world. But then.... You showed up. I was so confused, how was another human here, that's impossible right. Of course I never showed my confusion to Frisk, I tried to act like I didn't care. Since they said the deal was off I was mad. So I mentally tormented them. Coming out at the worst time, attacking the people she cared about." This was new, I had assumed that Chara was a being of pure evil and didn't even think to consider why they were full of hate. "Woah Chara I'm sorry." "You have no need to be."

Without warning a white door appeared  in the void, signifying that it was time to leave. Chara led me to the door unaware of what I was about to do. As I was next on the door Chara was about to leave until I dragged them through with me.

De-Termination: Chara X male reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now