Sacrifices Lead To Broken Promises

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(Final Chapter time!)

Gaster didn't know what to do, one wrong move and it could all end. Chara covered her face "get Dad!" Gaster nodded and teleported to New Home. Y/N didn't know what was happening, it went from 0-100 real fast.

They grew and grew and grew, Y/N and Chara moved back a little. Y/N started to think of the reasons why this was happening. From what he'd learn, all these 'anomalies' weren't normal, neither was this. He though some more, and the main cause for these 'anomalies'

"Chara I know what we have to do!" Y/N called in terror. "what!" Y/N lowered his head "...the only way to stop these, is to destroy the cause." Chara's hues widened, baffled she cried "what...but that means-!

"I know what it means Chara, I'm sorry....I wish I could spend more time with you....."

"You're insane!"

"Chara promise me! Promise me that no matter what...Don't reset, it will only lead to worse things!"

Chara lowered her head and sniffles ".....fine"

Y/N lowered his head, "goodbye" his soul shone bright as he ran into the squares. His hp lowered, it was visible for Chara to see. One last punishment, that's all Chara saw. "Wait, Y/N I-I love you!"






Y/N's body faded and all that remained was the soul, slowly cracking down the centre. " this isn't real, this isn't happening. Please be a dream please be a dream please be a dream!" Her knees trembled and gave way, her body hit the floor fast. "Nononononononono"

The soul split in two, one half landed in front of Chara, the other was sent into the squares. Chara pulled her face from the ground and stared at it, she sat up and tried to pick it up, only to have it shatter upon the slightest touch.


Gaster teleported in just as the cubes faded into no-existence. Surprisingly Chara and Gaster remained, Gaster stared at it confused before glancing upon the many shards of the soul once remaining to Y/N on the ground.

".....oh, I see what he did. I guess the only way to remove it was to remove the main cause. Chara.....I am truly sorry for this loss." Chara sniffled, she looked at Gaster and scowled "why would you care, if you'd been there...we could have found a different way. This is my fault, no it's yours, arrg!" She ran you of HotLands and all the way back to SnowDin. "GREAT, this is just PERFECT!"

Chara's feet trudged through the snow, she hated herself, she hated everyone. Her feelings got the better of her. She made her way to Papyrus's and Sans's house and knocked. Papyrus opens the door. "Oh hello human, come inside!" Chara blew some hair off her face and walked inside.

She made her way to Frisk and whispered to her "Frisk, Y/N's dead, we need to reset." Frisk jumped up in shock "what! How, why! Chara we can't reset, what about everything we've done!" Chara gave a low growl "what does it matter now? Just do it, we'll do pacifist and get to the surface. At least then everyone's happy!"

Frisk obliged, filled with guilt and sorrow for her friends who won't remember a thing.

Frisk obliged, filled with guilt and sorrow for her friends who won't remember a thing

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To be continued?

(Yep I did it, I left it at a point where I could continue. So you decide, continue or not. Of course I would work on others first but I have a plan if there is a sequel. On the surface, since that's where it'd take place, you could add your own character. Maybe not yourself, otherwise that'd we weird, you'd talk to yourself. They could have their own soul trait and stuffs, no Mary Sues or Gary Sues. I'll put a chapter on the update book about it if we continue the book! Bye for now -Xuatiel)

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