Chapter 3

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Once Steven, Connie, and Amethyst woke up, they fixed breakfast. Garnet's doors opened, but Ruby and Sapphire came out. "Ruby, it will be fine." Sapphire said calmly."But what if..." ruby was cut off by Sapphire's finger to her mouth." I've seen that it will be fine. Ok." Sapphire reasured."Fine, but can't we just ask...omph." Sapphire had elbowed her and wispered "hush!" Steven and Connie looked at each other and silently agreed that it was time. Steven gathered everybody up, including Greg and the Mahaswarnens. Connie was petrified as to how her parents would react. Steven noticed this and wispered," It'll be ok, I have a feeling." He winked at Garnet, who had returned, and she winked back. The gems included, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot, Jasper, Centi, Emrald, Onyx, and Tiger's Eye."Ahem, LISTEN UP!" Steven yelled. Only Garnet heard him, so she whistled. That caught everyone attention. "I have an anouncement to make," Steven yelled,"MeandConniearedateing!" Connie braced for yells from her parents, but instead, all the gems were swarming around them."Aww, our little Steven is growing up!" Pearl said."Stop being so gushy Pearl. Congrats, Little man!" Jasper replied. Connie's parents made through the crowd eventually. Connie braced for yelling again, but instead, was hugged by both of her parents. "Thanks for being supportive Mom and Dad!" Connie said."Just be careful, ok. Me and your dad knew this day was comming, but we didn't this soon." Connie's mom was  concerned, but she knew Steven was a good kid."Congrats, Skoo-ball!" Greg had come over to congradulate his son. The whole time, Garnet had been leaning on the wall, a smirk on her face.

(R for Ruby, S for Sapphire)

R: Do you really think they'll be ok?

S: I'm sure they'll be ok

R: Fine!

S: What's wrong

R: What if they end up like us but oppisite

S: They won't be, I'm sure of it.

R: Ok...

A/N Ah ha a cliff hanger, what does Garnet know that we don't...Well, actually I don't know so we'll find out in the next chapter.

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