Chapter One

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Team Natsu was walking through the woods on their way to see the person who had made the request.

"Oi, Flame Brain watch where you're going!" The Ice Image Gray exclaimed.

"Watch where you're going Ice Princess! " The Fire Mage Natsu rebuttled.

Both mage's kept going at it until a red headed Requip mage by the name of Erza slammed both of their heads together causing the loud ruckus to stop all at once.

Behind that scene stood Lucy the Celestial mage with the Blue Exceed Happy in her arms.

"Erza sure is scary. " Squeaked Wendy the Sky Dragon Slayer while squeezing her white Exceed Charle better known as Carla.

"Don't worry my child she doesn't hurt the smart ones. " Carla soothed the child but at the same time insulted Natsu and Gray.

Lucy then piped in. "We should continue going before the sun falls. " Erza nodded her head in agreement her Scarlet hair bouncing as she did.


Something was in the air.

They all felt the presence but didn't act on their instinct before it was too late.

"Wendy!" The white Exceed exclaimed along with the Blue Tomcat.

Wendy was in a blue bubble.

Everyone was so focused on Wendy they didn't see that it was a distraction.

"Natsu! " The Blonde screamed as all she felt was pure and utter terror as she was also encased in a blue bubble.

"Luce! " He screamed. His tone laced with fear.

It then dawned on everyone there that it was all a trap.

Lucy tried and tried to open a gate, any gate to summon a spirt to help.

Nothing happened. Not even Plue, her silver key would work.

"Its Magic Proof. " She whisper as she watched her comrades try and break the bubble.

"It's no use! " The mage screamed. Everyone knew. Everyone knew there was no getting them out.

It was then that a new voice came.

"Choose. " It whispered into the wind.

Natsu stared into Lucy's brown eyes and all he seen was acceptance and sadness.

'Save Wendy' She mouthed. The Celestial Mage then closed her eyes and gave the biggest smile she could.

"Luce! " Natsu yelled. His voiced had much sadness in it.

By then everyone was staring at Lucy. Tears slipped from all their eyes as they stared at the last smile they would ever receive from Lucy Heartfilia.

Lucy then turned to look at Wendy and gave her the same smile.

Wendy banged and pounded on the bubble praying it would break and they could all leave.

"No-" Wendy sobbed. "-dont do this Lucy." She screamed and shouted begging her friend to save herself.

The Celestial Mage opened her eyes and said to Wendy. "Its Okay."

Then silence came. It stayed that way for a minute until they heard the Blondes voice once more.


With a pop the bubble vanished as if it never existed in the first place.

Lucy then started to fade inside the bubble.

Screams and cries were heard thtoughout ths forest.

Their plea's went unheard as she said her last words.

"One Day."

The Celestial Mage then vanished as if she was never there in that forest, leaving the Fairy Tail Mages shaking and feeling numb.

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